This Pubinar will discuss these serious topics in an informal manner. The topic will be the general political situation in the Arctic. The participants in the panel discussion are:

  • Maria Varteressian, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Norway
  • Pat Duncan, Senator, Yukon, Canada
  • Arne O. Holm, Editor-in-Chief, High North News
  • TVN Prasanna, Rear Admiral, Joint Secretary, National Security Council Secretariat, India
  • Sara Olsvig, International Chair, Inuit Circumpolar Council (tbc)
  • Moderator: Andreas Østhagen, Senior Researcher, Fridtjof Nansen Institute and Nord University.

The conversation will last about 40 minutes where Østhagen will ask the participants to share their thoughts on the current status in the Arctic, Nordic cooperation, the way forward under Trump, increased interest, how to achieve joint climate efforts, and so on. It will be a fluid conversation.


This event is part of the Arctic Frontiers conference.

Organizer: The Fridtjof Nansen Institute.