Environmental Impacts of a Free Trade Agreement between China and Norway

FNI Report 1/2012. Lysaker, FNI, 2012, 140 p.

The report assesses the likely impacts of the FTA for environmental policies, regulations and the physical environment. The analysis covers the main parts of the FTA: Trade in goods, trade in services and investments, and is limited to those parts of the FTA that are assumed to have the greatest effects. The analysis is based on scenarios setting out possible results of the negotiations. These scenarios build on existing obligations in the WTO seen in conjunction with the public documents that the negotiations are based upon. The report contains the following core elements:
1. The details of a baseline scenario.
2. Two scenarios based on possible outcomes of the negotiations - a free trade scenario and a green trade scenario.
3. Screening and scoping in light of input from consultations with public authorities, non-governmental organizations and the team of Chinese researchers.
4. Five case studies that focus on effects of the FTA on trade and investment between Norway and China, and the resulting environmental consequences.
5. Five regulatory studies that focus on effects of the FTA for environmental rules and policy.



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