Hvordan skal Putin ta Barentshavet tilbake? ('How Shall Putin Take the Barents Sea Back?')

Trondheim, Akademika, 2013, 152 p. In Norwegian.

"How shall Putin take the Barents Sea back?" was the title of a Russian newspaper article in spring 2013. The article provided President Putin with a ten-point roadmap of how to take back those parts of the Barents Sea that fell under Norwegian jurisdiction with the delimitation agreement between Norway and Russia from September 2010, which split the formerly disputed area in two equal parts. Russian critics of the agreement have been vocal ever since the compromise was reached in April 2010. The book explores the ideological foundations of the criticism, tracing century-old Russian images of the West, as well as practical experiences from the fisheries management collaboration between the two states in the Barents Sea.



  • Research Professor
    +47 99796020


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