ACAP – utfordringer og forbedringspotensial ('ACAP – challenges and recommendations')
FNI Report 2/2019. Lysaker, FNI, 2019, 21 p.
FNI Report 2/2019. Lysaker, FNI, 2019, 21 p.
ACAP was originally a programme intended to follow up AMAP’s work to identify sources of pollution. It didn’t become an official working group under the Arctic Council until 2006. ACAP has mostly concentrated on pollution from Russian sources, the main objective being to accelerate the reduction of national emissions of various environmental pollutants and climate drivers. There are four expert groups under ACAP, all working on practical projects. ACAP can thus be described as an initiator of projects whose scientific basis lies in AMAP’s assessments of the health of the Arctic. The idea behind the creation of ACAP was to channel the work of the Arctic Council in a more practical direction and to improve the use of the knowledge produced by AMAP. As with some of the other Arctic Council working groups, it is sometimes unclear how different projects have been evaluated, how well they are coordinated with the other working groups and what they have achieved. All other working groups have nevertheless been evaluated and analysed by external bodies. As for ACAP, we know less; it is in fact the working group we know least about. In this report the work of ACAP will be analysed.