FNI Partner in New Research Center for Secure Power Supply
This week, the research center SecurEL was launched with the goal of ensuring a robust and sustainable power supply for the future. The Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI) is one of the partners in the center, which brings together 42 actors from research, industry, and public administration.
New FNI Policy Brief: China’s Dominance in the Critical Minerals Supply Chain
Fridtjof Nansen Institute at Arctic Frontiers 2025
From January 27 to 30, Arctic Frontiers 2025 will gather leaders and decision-makers, researchers, business representatives, and organizations in Tromsø. The Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI) is actively involved and contributes expertise to many of the conference’s discussions.
Welcome to FNI's New Master's Students, Spring 2025!
We are delighted to welcome six new students to Polhøgda this semester. Their research spans a wide range of topics, including aquaculture regulation, digital diplomacy, Georgian identity, German energy policy, Norwegian land-use planning, and seabed mineral policies in Norway.
FNI in media
Forsker om Ukraina-forhandlingene: – Nå er jeg bekymret (Researcher on Ukraine Negotiations: 'Now I'm Worried')
NRK Urix, February 14, 2025. In Norwegian.
Vil forhandle om fred uten fred uten Ukraina (Peace Talks Without Ukraine)
NRK Nyhetsmorgen (TV/radio) February 14, 2025. In Norwegian.
Kritisk infrastruktur under press fra klimaendringer (Climate Change Pressures Critical Infrastructure)
Energi og Klima, February 13, 2025. In Norwegian.