Armenia and Europe: Foreign Aid and Environmental Politics in the Post-Soviet Caucasus
I.B. Tauris, 2021, 280 p. (Paperback edition)
I.B. Tauris, 2021, 280 p. (Paperback edition)
Armenia receives one of the highest levels of international aid per capita in the Western world, and among the highest of the post-Soviet states. This ethnographic study, based on new primary research, looks at aid in the South Caucasus, and its role in Armenia's relationship with Europe. In particular, it is argued that the Aarhus Convention, which entitles citizens of Europe to access information and participation in decision-making in environmental matters has allowed Armenian citizens to adapt and control the direction of their country's political future in various ways – whether through protest activism or legal challenges. A new examination of aid and development, and the structures these create, the book also shows how project spaces resulting from foreign aid and project cooperation support mechanisms are constructed so as to be manageable, whereas their legitimization relies on striving for goals and impacts that may be unattainable. The book combines concepts from postsocialist studies, postcolonial studies and anthropological theorizations of global governance to illuminate the significance of transnational networks, networking and European norms in environmental struggles in Armenia.