Country ownership in climate finance coordination: a comparative assessment of Kenya and Zambia

Climate Policy, Vol 22, Nos 9-10, 2022, pp. 1266-1280

The purpose of this study is to investigate how political and technical factorsinfluence climatefinance coordination in different country contexts. Emergingscholarly and policy literature calls for the improved coordination of climatefinance to enhance the effectiveness of multiple sources of funding for adaptationand mitigation purposes, with country ownership over coordination emerging as apotential approach. However, few studies have examined how climatefinancecoordination unfolds at the national level in developing countries. This paperpresentsfindings from a comparative assessment of climatefinance coordinationpractices in Kenya and Zambia, drawing on semi-structured interviews, policydocuments, and relevant literature. Specifically, the paper investigates how politicaland technical forces shape climatefinance coordination in contexts with varyingcountry ownership over the coordination process. Wefind that political factorsrelating to power dynamics, framings of climatefinance, and vested interests playa strong role in shaping how actors interact, hampering coordination efforts withinthe climatefinance landscape in both countries. This adds a new dimension tocalls for greater country ownership, which we suggest needs to be paired with acritical examination of political struggles and contestation.


