Jadransko more na putu u EU (II): Vladavina prava i hrvatski "zasticeni ekolosko-ribolovni pojas" ('The Adriatic Sea on the Way to EU (II): Governance of Law and the Croatian "Ecological and Fisheries Protection Zone"')
Pravo & drustvo, Vol 1, No 3, 2010, pp. 41-58. In Croatian.
Pravo & drustvo, Vol 1, No 3, 2010, pp. 41-58. In Croatian.
This is the second in the series of two articles on contemporary issues of the Adriatic Sea prepared for the journal "Pravo & drustvo". The focus of this article is on the interests and national legislation of Italy in the Adriatic Sea, and on the involvement of EU bodies, especially the European Commission, in the issues of the maritime jurisdiction in the Adriatic Sea.