Kan tilgang til og godefordeling ved bruk av genetiske ressurser bidra til biologisk mangfold? ('How can Access and Benefit Sharing contribute to conservation of biological diversity?')
In I.L. Backer, O.K. Fauchald and C. Voigt (eds), Pro Natura - Festskrift til Hans Christian Bugge. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 2012, pp. 518-530. In Norwegian.
In I.L. Backer, O.K. Fauchald and C. Voigt (eds), Pro Natura - Festskrift til Hans Christian Bugge. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 2012, pp. 518-530. In Norwegian.
This article takes a closer look at the possibilities - options and obstacles for access and benefit sharing to contribute to the conservation of biological diversity. The Nagoya Protocol and challenges in its implementation i a core topic for this analysis. It is suggested that the lack of political will to oblige biotechnology is one essential challenge for a functinoal implementation. It is also suggested that identical conditinos for research and development is a core reason for user countries to be reluctant in implmenting strick obligations on their industry to share benefits. The great challenge for ABS to succeed is how to create incentives for the actual users of genetic resoruces to contribute to the overall conservation goal. Before the CBD and its members acheive the establishment of such incentives, there probably will be difficult for ABS to contribute substantially to conservation of biodiversity.