Maritim mistru og petroleumspartnarskap: Ein diskursanalyse av russiske reaksjonar på norsk nordområdepolitikk ('Maritime Mistrust and Petroleum Partnership: A Discourse Analysis of Russian Reactions to Norwegian High North Policies')
FNI Report 08/2012. Lysaker, FNI, 2012, 84 p. In Norwegian.
FNI Report 08/2012. Lysaker, FNI, 2012, 84 p. In Norwegian.
This report is a discourse analysis based on 307 articles from a variety of Russian news sources, and sheds light on the tensions between two discourses concerning Norway. In these two discourses, Norway is presented as either a competitor/opponent or a role model and potential partner. This division between these discourses became very clear with the debate regarding the agreement on the Norwegian-Russian demarcation line in the Barents Sea in 2010. The Norwegian High North policy concept is also something that cannot be seen in Russian press coverage, which covers Norwegian policy on a more thematic basis than the High North as a whole as can be seen in Norwegian press coverage. The tension between the pictures of Norway as either a competitor or as a role model can also be seen in a wider context as a part of the great question in Russian history regarding Russia’s place in Europe.