Miljøvernsamarbeidet mellom Norge og Russland ('The Environmental Cooperation between Norway and Russia')
In Sven Holtsmark (ed), Naboer i frykt og forventning: Norge og Russland 1917-2014 ('Neighbors in Fear and Expectation: Norway and Russia 1917-2014'). Oslo, Pax forlag, 2015, pp. 590-604. In Norwegian.
In Sven Holtsmark (ed), Naboer i frykt og forventning: Norge og Russland 1917-2014 ('Neighbors in Fear and Expectation: Norway and Russia 1917-2014'). Oslo, Pax forlag, 2015, pp. 590-604. In Norwegian.
The chapter traces and assesses the main areas of environmental collaboration between Norway and Russia in the period from 1991 to 2014. Most prominently, the efforts to reduce emissions from the nickel industry on the Kola Peninsula and the Norwegian-Russian projects aimed at containing and removing sources of nuclear waste are discussed. This historic account also debates why transborder pollution became such a prominent area of collaboration between Norway and Russia in the post-Soviet era. It also the degree of success and failure within specific projects. In addition to the above mentioned efforts, bilateral projects within nature protection, the "Cleaner Production"-programme, cultural heritage protection and marine resource management are discussed.