Nobel-initiativet fra 1966 og den lange linjen i norsk freds- og forsoningsdiplomati ('The 1966 Nobel Initiative and the long lines in Norwegian peace and reconciliation diplomacy')
Internasjonal Politikk, Vol 78, No 4, 2020, pp. 545–565. In Norwegian.
Internasjonal Politikk, Vol 78, No 4, 2020, pp. 545–565. In Norwegian.
The Nobel Initiative from 1966 and the Long Lines in Norwegian Peace and Reconciliation Diplomacy Norway was the first state to institutionalise peace and reconciliation work as part of its overall diplomacy. As it emerged from the mid-1980s onwards, peace and reconciliation diplomacy has had two characteristics: it has been carried out by state and society groups in tandem, and it has targeted reconciling a regime and an internal opposition to that regime. The bulk of the article presents a 1966 initiative by a group of concerned Norwegian citizens to launch a back channel for American and North Vietnamese peace talks by mobilising winners of the Nobel Peace Prize, and demonstrates that this initiative received political, administrative and economic help from the Norwegian state. This makes it a precursor of today’s peace and reconciliation initiative. Given the fledgling examples of Norwegian peace and reconciliation work that we find in the margins of the League of Nations during the 1920s, knowledge about the Nobel Initiative of 1966 warrants the claim that, for the past hundred years, Norway has consistently attempted peace and reconciliation work to the extent and in the form allowed by international conditions.