Report from the workshop Stocktaking ABS in the Nordic Countries – with a particular view to business
FNI Report 3/2015. Lysaker, FNI, 2015, 27 p.
FNI Report 3/2015. Lysaker, FNI, 2015, 27 p.
This Report gives an overview over the topic raised and discussed at the workshop Stocktaking ABS in the Nordic Countries – with a particular view to business. The Nagoya Protocol to the Convention on Biological Diversity was in 2014 expected to enter into force in October 2014. The Nagoya Protocol recieved in the last moment the 50th ratificatino and into force as expected for the first COP to be held in October 2014. Since the Protocol sets standards while leaving some discretion still open for its member countries, the Nordic countries found it to be timely to explore the options for their implementation. The workshop set out to be a ground for exchaning experiences and serve as a place to discuss options among the Nordic countries. Especially, it was recognised that it was imporant to get the views of the business, the users of genetic resources, on board in these discussions.
The workshop managed to get together a broad represantation from businesses and a selection of European and global experts on ABS for open and constructive discussions on the implementation challenges and oportunities for access and use of genetic resources. The more than 50 participants called for this type of workshop anually.
This report follows the structure of the presentations and thereby the discussions at the workshop. The report has been written by the rapporteur and the content has not been checked with the presentors. Thereby, even seeking to capture the main point of the presentors, the responsibility for all the content is that of the rapporteur, and cannot be attributed to the presentors or participants to the workshop.