Tackling Cross-Sectoral Challenges to Advance Health as Part of Foreign Policy
FNI Report 2/2012. Lysaker, FNI, 2012, 39 p.
FNI Report 2/2012. Lysaker, FNI, 2012, 39 p.
This report is based on the general assumption that the integration of global health into foreign policy-making is beneficial for advancing global health goals. This is based on the statement laid down in the 2007 Oslo Declaration. This view is also reflected in various relevant UN Declarations. Using an exploratory comparative approach the report drraws empirical lessons from three global issues, selectede on the basis of their similarities to global health: Environment as regards climate change and biodiversity and their integration into global trade governance; migration and its integration into global security governance and gender and its integration into global development governance. Issue linkage and mainstrreaming were used as analytical devices.From the documentation provided policy lessons on how to advance health as foreign policy is 1) Government actors need to build greater capacity for managing complex governance strucures. 2) New policy concepts require new substance that can help generate concrete action and changed practices.Finally, the report suggests new points of analytical entry for further research on global health and foreign policy.