To get green is glorious? Kinesiske statseide bedrifters samfunnsansvarsarbeid for bærekraftig utvikling ('To get green is glorious? An empirical analysis of how and why state-owned companies in China take measures to combat climate change and environmental issues through Corporate Social Responsibility')
FNI Report 12/2012. Lysaker, FNI, 2012, 98 p. In Norwegian.
FNI Report 12/2012. Lysaker, FNI, 2012, 98 p. In Norwegian.
This report is based on an empirical analysis that examines how state-owned companies in China are utilizing Corporate Social Responsibility to combat issues related to climate change and other environmental problems. The analysis was conducted at two levels in order to study the implementation of the different CSR measures: the first part examines different causes for the Chinese government’s increasing attention on environmental issues, and the implications for the state-owned companies. In the second part the focus of the empirical analysis is on how the government and other stakeholders forces companies to integrate CSR in their business strategy. The purpose of the analysis is better to understand what affects the degree of integration of CSR, and try to understand how serious the companies are in their CSR strategies: Is CSR primarily related to public relations and reputation management, or are the measures are done in an attempt to create green, sustainable solutions and combat climate change?