What can be learned from experience with scientific advisory bodies in the field of international environmental politics?
Global Challenges, Vol 2, No 9, 7 p. DOI: 10.1002/gch2.201800055
Global Challenges, Vol 2, No 9, 7 p. DOI: 10.1002/gch2.201800055
Scientific advisory committees (SACs) are a critically important part of international environmental policy First, SACs play a critical role in agenda setting. Second, the effectivenss of a given SAC and the associated regime is variable. Third, there is variations in the extent to which the regime is driven by an overarching scientific consensus. Fourth, the role of science varies with the nature of the problem facing the regime. Finally, the cases examoned suggest that the institutional design of the SACs matter and can influence the overall effectiveness of the regime but it is seldom decisive.