Arctic Mayors' Forum: En ny brikke i det arktiske styringssystemet? ('Arctic Mayors' Forum: A New Piece in the Arctic Governance System?')
FNI-rapport 2/2024. Lysaker, FNI, 2024, 9 p. In Norwegian.
FNI-rapport 2/2024. Lysaker, FNI, 2024, 9 p. In Norwegian.
Abstract: In 2019, the Arctic Mayors’ Forum (AMF) was established by mayors from some of the world's northernmost cities. The forum aims to i) facilitate cooperation and exchange of experiences among Arctic communities to ensure sustainable development and resilient communities, and ii) promote the role of the local level in Arctic cooperation. AMF emerges as an addition in a region that already has a highly complex governance system, characterized by a multitude of governance mechanisms that overlap both in terms of addressed issues and actors. In this report, I attempt to answer the following questions: What is AMF? Where does the forum fit within the existing governance system? Why have local authorities seen the value in establishing a new forum? And can – if so, how – AMF complement the governance of the Arctic?