Arktiske utfordringer ('Arctic Challenges')
Kristiansand, Høyskoleforlaget, 2012, 139 p. In Norwegian.
Kristiansand, Høyskoleforlaget, 2012, 139 p. In Norwegian.
The Arctic has heatend up, in different ways. The ice is melting and scientists are uncertain about how this will affect the Arctic ecosystems. At the same time, the Arctic is the object of heated political discussion: Who shall extract the oil when the ice disappears? How are marine delimitation lines established? Who will control the new sea routes that are opening up? Who actually owns the Arctic? The book provides a balanced introduction to the most important challenges in the Arctic, with a particular focus on the environment, natural resources and energy. It also presents the political institutions that have been set up to coordinate international relations in the region, within the frameworks of international law.