My academic focus has centred on two main pillars: i) international fisheries management, with an emphasis on enforcement and compliance issues; ii) relations between Russia and the West, primarily Norway, in the European North. Within these two pillars, my main interest has gradually narrowed in on the legal aspects of international fisheries management (law of the sea) and the identity aspects of Russian foreign policy. I also have some experience in international Arctic politics more widely.
Academic background
- Master of Laws (LL.M.) (Law of the Sea), UiT - The Arctic University of Norway (2020)
- Full professor competence (2004)
- Dr. polit. (PhD, political science), University of Oslo (2000)
- Cand. polit. (MA, political science), University of Tromsø (1993).
- Cand. mag. (BA, political science , Russian and Polish languages, East European studies), University of Oslo (1990)
Professional experience
- Research professor, Fridtjof Nansen Institute (2022 - ongoing)
- Secretary General, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee (2021-2022) (adjunct research professor at FNI)
- Senior Project Manager for Russia and Northern Europe, Lloyd’s Register (2019-2020)
- Chairman of the Norwegian Non-Fiction Writers and Translators Association (2018-2021)
- Director, Fridtjof Nansen Institute (2015-2019)
- Deputy Director, Fridtjof Nansen Institute (2014-2015)
- Research Director, Fridtjof Nansen Institute (2006-2014)
- Head of Russia and Polar Programme, Fridtjof Nansen Institute (2000-2005)
- Research Fellow and PhD Student, Fridtjof Nansen Institute (1996-2000)
- Researcher, Norut Research (1994-1995)
- Interpreter and fisheries officer, Norwegian Coast Guard (1988-1993)
- Various adjunct professorships at Norwegian universities and guest research stays abroadAdjunct Professor ("Professor II") at the Dept. of Political Science, University of Tromsø since 2005.
In Olav Schram Stokke, Andreas Østhagen and Andreas Raspotnik (eds), Marine Resources, Climate Change and International Management Regimes. Bloomsbury, 2022, pp. 77-96
Arctic Review on Law and Politics, Vol 11, 2020, pp. 133-156.
In Svein Vigeland Rottem and Ida Folkestad Soltvedt (eds), Arctic Governance: Energy, Living Marine Resources and Shipping. Volume 2. London, I.B. Tauris, 2018, pp. 138-161.
Current Politics and Economics of Europe, Vol 28, No 1, 2017, pp. 31-54.
In Noralv Veggeland (ed), Administrative Strategies of our Time. Happauge (USA), Nova Science Publishers, 2017, pp. 261-288.
Science Norway, September 20, 2023.
FNI-rapport 6/2023. Lysaker, FNI, 2023, 40 p.
-, September 12, 2023. In Norwegian.
Nordnorsk debatt, October 26, 2022. In Norwegian.
Aftenposten, July 10, 2022. In Norwegian.
Fisch zwischen den Fronten: Der Ukrainekrieg und der Kabeljau in der Barentsee (The Ukraine War and Cod in the Barents Sea)
Deutschlandfunk (radio/podcast), February 1, 2024. In German.
Russia threatens to withdraw from fishery deal with Norway. Little to worry about, says expert
The Barents Observer, October 27, 2023.
Årets norsk-russiske økosystetokt i Barentshavet er over (This Year's Norwegian-Russian Ecosystem Expedition in the Barents Sea Ends)
NRK Nordnytt (TV/radio), October 4, 2023. In Norwegian.
Over 80 prosent av russiske fiskekvoter i Barentshavet fiskes i norske havområder (More than 80 percent of Russian fishing quotas in the Barents Sea are fished in Norwegian waters)
NRK Troms og Finnmark, June 1, 2023. In Norwegian.
Barents Spektakel løfter spørsmål om tillit og tvil (Barents Spektakel Raises Questions of Doubt and Trust)
High North News, February 22, 2023. In Norwegian. English version here.