- Senior Researcher+47 47330349
Disputes over maritime space are increasing in magnitude – but our understanding of international politics and the maritime domain remains limited. The four-year research project OceanGov combines two strands within the social sciences – international relations and international law – in an interdisciplinary approach to examine disputes at sea.
The project will identify conditional propositions and trends explaining why some disputes at sea escalate whereas others are settled, within three maritime domains: The Arctic Ocean; the Black Sea; and the East China Sea. From this, we will embark on an in-depth study of ocean governance and international politics, linking region-specific findings with global governance trends more generally.
As the political and economic significance of the maritime domain is increasing worldwide, and spatial disputes are emerging as a consequence, we ask what determines the emergence and evolution of disputes over marine resources and maritime space in a regional context? Why do some maritime spatial disputes escalate into conflict? Can examination of specific regional contexts lead to some conditional propositions that determine the likelihood of a maritime dispute escalating or being resolved?
Studying how states deal with disputes over the delineation of maritime rights and space can offer insights into ocean governance processes and related international politics. How are global ocean governance mechanisms – with an emphasis on the UNCLOS – influenced by regional dynamics, which in turn constrain the very same dynamics? How is the UNCLOS regime developing and adapting in order to deal with emerging maritime disputes? How can we theorise the link between regional practice and global ocean governance?
The project aims both to improve our understanding of specific disputes in changing regions and to apply these findings to improve our general understanding of governance over maritime space and maritime resources.
Project period: 2021-2024
- Research Professor+47 47478477
- Research Professor+47 99796020
- Senior Researcher+47 93419569 / 47476821
- Research Professor+47 90123004
- PhD Research Fellow+47 47620029
- Research Council of Norway
Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies, Vol 7, No 11, 2024, pp. 111-130.
East Asia, Vol 41, No 1, 2024, published online 18.06.2024, 32 p. DOI: 10.1007/s12140-024-09426-y
Maritime Studies, Vol 23, Article 11, 2024, 18 p.
In Nathanaël Wallenhorst and Christoph Wulf (eds), Handbook of the Anthropocene. Springer, 2023, pp. 609-613
Journal of Contemporary European Studies, published online 20.03.2023. DOI: 10.1080/14782804.2023.2193735
Canadian Naval Review, Vol 18, No 1, 2022, pp. 37-40.
International Law Studies, Vol 99, 2022, pp. 994-962
In Olav Schram Stokke, Andreas Østhagen and Andreas Raspotnik (eds), Marine Resources, Climate Change and International Management Regimes. Bloomsbury, 2022, pp. 257-272
In Olav Schram Stokke, Andreas Østhagen and Andreas Raspotnik (eds), Marine Resources, Climate Change and International Management Regimes. Bloomsbury, 2022, pp. 63-76
In Duncan Russel and Nick Kirsop-Taylor (eds), Handbook on the Governance of Sustainable Development. Edward Elgar, 2022, pp. 259-274.
In Anastasia Likhacheva (ed), Arctic Fever: Political, Economic and Environmental Aspects. Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, pp. 305-332
In Paul G. Harris (ed), Routledge Handbook of Marine Governance and Global Environmental Change. Rotledge, 2022, chapter 10.
RUSI Journal, Vol 167, No 1, published online 15.03.2022. DOI: 10.1080/03071847.2022.2036229
Chapter 22 in Matthias Finger and Gunnar Rekvig (eds), Global Arctic: An Introduction to the Multifaceted Dynamics of the Arctic. Springer, 2022, pp. 425-441.
Australian Year Book of International Law, Vol 39, 2022 pp. 233-260.
Romanian Journal of International Law, Vol 26, December 2021, pp. 35-61.
The Arctic Yearbook, 2021, pp. 5-22.
The Polar Journal, published online 24.09.2021, 25 p. DOI: 10.1080/2154896X.2021.1978234
Science Norway, 26 January, 2024.
European Parliament, In-Depth Analysis, June 2023, 49 p.
Aftenposten, June 20, 2023. In Norwegian.
Dagens Næringsliv, June 1, 2023. In Norwegian.
FNI-rapport 3/2023. Lysaker, FNI, 2023, 14 s. (In Norwegian)
Altinget.no, March 29, 2023. In Norwegian.
Forskning.no, March 27, 2023. In Norwegian.
Forskning.no, January 31, 2023. In Norwegian.
Dagens Næringsliv, Januar 24, 2023. In Norwegian.
Norges suverenitet på Svalbard er ikke omstridt (Norway's sovereignty over Svalbard is not disputed)
Aftenposten, January 24, 2023. In Norwegian.
Dagens næringsliv, December 1, 2022. In Norwegian.
Nordnorsk debatt, October 26, 2022. In Norwegian.
Altinget.no, September 28, 2022. In Norwegian. English version here.
Presentation at the "Arctic Ocean Governance: Cooperation after Conflict?" seminar at the Belfer Center, Harvard University, 11.05.2022
Dagens Næringsliv, August 11, 2022. In Norwegian.
Aftenposten, July 10, 2022. In Norwegian.
Nordnorsk debatt, July 6, 2022. In Norwegian.
Science Norway, May 23, 2022.
Aftenposten, May 20, 2022. In Norwegian.
In Duncan Depledge and P. Whitney Lackenbauer (eds), On Thin Ice: Perspectives on Arctic Security. North American and Arctic Defence and Security Network (NAADSN), 2021, pp. 23-34.
- Meet FNI at the Arctic Frontiers conference in Tromsø
- Fridtjof Nansen Institute Preparing for the Arctic Circle Assembly 2023
- Bern conference on sea level rise
- Andreas Østhagen on BBC: “US discovers Arctic geopolitics”
- – Vårt strategiske hovedansvarsområde skal være i nord
- Stortingsbesøk til Polhøgda
- PhD Research Fellowship: “Challenges to Ocean Governance: Regional Disputes, Global Consequences?
Turkish science team explores Russia’s Svalbard plans
Barents Observer, July 23, 2024.
Stor internasjonal interesse for Svalbard (Significant International Interest in Svalbard)
NRK Helgemorgen (TV/Radio), January 28, 2024. In Norwegian.
Essequibo dispute: How are maritime borders traced?
The Daily Tribune, 25 January 2024. In Portuguese here.
Isolated Russia invites faraway countries to upcoming Svalbard science center in Pyramiden
The Barents Observer, October 30, 2023.
Cold war for the Arctic as Russia and Nato race to militarise the high north
Inews, September 30, 2023.
Russland langer ut mot norske planer: – Ulovlig (Russia Criticizes Norwegian Plans: Deemed Illegal)
Nettavisen, July 26, 2023. In Norwegian.
USA sender diplomat til Tromsø (U.S. to Establish Diplomatic Station in Tromsø)
NRK Dagsnytt 18 (TV/radio), June 1, 2023. In Norwegian.
Kokepunkt Svalbard: Et storpolitisk kokepunkt
NRK (radio), May 29, 2023. In Norwegian.
Verdens største krigsskip i Oslo: – Utfordringen er å avskrekke, men samtidig ikke provosere (The world's largest warship in Oslo)
Altinget.no, May 27, 2023. In Norwegian.
A US Aircraft Carriers Visits Oslo in a Show of Strength Aimed at Russia
New York Times, May 25, 2023.
Krigsskip i Oslo: – Hadde det ikkje vore for Russland, ville det neppe vore her (Warship in Oslo)
NRK, May 24, 2023. In Norwegian.
Russia’s Coast Guard cooperation with China is a big step, Arctic security expert says
The Barents Observer, April 28, 2023.
The Arctic Council and it's political significance
BBC World Service Weekend, April 16, 2023.
Geopolitical changes in the Arctic
BBC World Service Weekend, April 16, 2023.
Regjeringen presenterer Arktisk råd-prioriteringer (The Norwegian government presents its Arctic Council priorities)
NRK Dagsnytt 18 (TV/radio), March 28, 2023. In Norwegian.
Hvem eier havet til en øystat som synker? (Who owns the ocean of a sinking island nation?)
Forskning.no, March 27, 2023. In Norwegian.
挪威雪蟹捕撈嚴格設限 歐盟成員國乾瞪眼 (Norwegian snow crab fishing is strictly limited, EU member states dry eyes)
Taiwan TV News Network/ Yahoo! News Taiwan, March 21, 2023. In Chinese.
Høyesterett: Norge har enerett på Svalbards kontinentalsokkel (Supreme Court: Norway has exclusive rights to Svalbard's continental shelf)
NRK, March 20, 2023. In Norwegian.
In case affecting oil, Norway Supreme Court says EU ships cannot fish Arctic snow crab
Reuters, March 20, 2023.
The Arctic Is the New Spot for NATO and Russia to Flex Their Military Muscle
BNN Bloomberg, March 13, 2023.
Forsvarssjefen fikk spesiell gave av russisk flåtesjef: – Bruker den for å huske (Heavy weighters in for the Kirkenes conference)
TV2, March 2, 2023. In Norwegian.
USA etablerer seg i Arktis med egen ambassadør (US appoints its first Arctic Ambassador)
NRK Helgemorgen (TV/radio), February 18, 2023. In Norwegian.
The United States is preparing a defence strategy to counter growing Russian presence in the Arctic
BBC World Service, Weekend (radio) February 11, 2023
Is an Arctic ‘Cold War’ coming? How climate change and the war in Ukraine are driving tensions
Grid, February 9, 2023.
Mye på spill for Norge i nord (Much at stake for Norway in the north)
NRK Helgemorgen (TV/radio), January 29, 2023. In Norwegian.
‘A ginormous can of worms’: How a fight over snow crabs could lead to a win for oil drilling access
CNN, January 27, 2023.
Avgjørende rettssak om snøkrabbe i Høyesterett (Trial tests Norway's control of Svalbard resources)
Dagsnytt 18, NRK (TV/radio), January 25, 2023. In Norwegian.
Rettsak om Svalbardtraktatens omfang (Court case on the scope of the Svalbard Treaty)
NRK Nyhetsmorgen (TV/radio) , Januar 25, 2023. In Norwegian.
Norway's Supreme Court to hear Arctic snow crab case affecting oil, minerals
Daily Mail/Reuters, January 24, 2023.
Hvor langt ut i havet gjelder egentlig Svalbardtraktaten? (How far out does the Svalbard Treaty apply?)
NRK (radio), January 23, 2023. In Norwegian
Suverenitet, historie og stormaktspolitikk på Svalbard med Andreas Østhagen
Konflikt (podcast), January 22, 2023. In Norwegian.
Putin tvinges til mer samarbeid med Kina om Arktis: – Vil komplisere stormaktsspillet (Putin is forced to cooperate more with China on the Arctic: 'Will complicate the great power game')
NRK, January 21, 2023. In Norwegian.
Cod fishing in Norway's Arctic region relies on Russian cooperation
BBC, January 21, 2023.
Is Russia a greater or lesser threat to Norway than before?
Science Norway, December 20, 2022.
A Battle for the Arctic Is Underway. And the U.S. Is Already Behind
Politico, December 17, 2022.
I skyggen av Putin (In the shadow of Putin)
NRK, October 30, 2022. In Norwegian.
Forsker om fersk norsk-russisk fiskeriavtale: – Viser hvor viktig samarbeidet er for begge parter (Researcher on recent Norwegian-Russian fisheries agreement: - Shows how important the cooperation is for both parties)
High North News, October 28, 2022. In Norwegian. English version here.
Russisk trussel mot Norge om det kommer flere sanksjoner (Russia threatens to withdraw from the fishing agreement with Norway)
NRK, October 25, 2022. In Norwegian.
– At én part advarer om mulig suspensjon av avtalen er uvanlig, men dette er heller ikke helt normale tider (Norway and Russia signed fisheries agreement)
Fiskeribladet, October 25, 2022. In Norwegian.
Strammer inn på havneforbudet for russiske fartøy (Tightening the port ban)
NRK – Nordnytt (TV), October 14, 2022. In Norwegian.
New U.S. Arctic strategy focuses on geopolitical rivalries and climate change
Arctic Today, October 7, 2022.
Havet, døden og økosystemet (Sea, death and the ecosystem)
Khrono, September 10, 2022. In Norwegian.
First US Arctic Ambassador as the Region Climbs on the DC Political Agenda
High North News, August 30, 2022.
Khủng hoảng Ukraine phả hơi lạnh vào kinh tế Bắc Cực (Ukraine crisis throws chill into Arctic economy)
VN Express, August 10, 2022. In Vietnamese.
The Geo Interview: The Arctic’s great game
The Geostrata, July 12, 2022.
Delelinjeavtalen: Norge tause: - Fornuftig (Reasonable for Norway to remain silent conserning the maritime delimitation treaty)
Dagbladet Børsen, July 11, 2022. In Norwegian.
Russland vil si opp grenseavtale (Russia wants to terminate boundary agreement)
NRK Troms (Radio), July 6, 2022. In Norwegian.
Russland truer delelinjeavtalen (Russia threatens the delimitation agreement)
NRK Nyhetsmorgen (TV/radio), July 6, 2022. In Norwegian.
Russlands utenrikskomite bes vurdere delelinjeavtalen (Russia’s foreign affairs committee is asked to evaluate the delimitation agreement)
NRK Dagsnytt atten (TV/radio), July 5, 2022. In Norwegian.
Guerre en Ukraine : épreuve de force entre Moscou et Oslo autour de l’archipel arctique du Svalbard (Moscow and Oslo tussle over Arctic archipelago of Svalbard)
Le Monde, July 1, 2022. In French. English version here.
Scotland would be 'high-priority' target for Putin in a world war
Wales Online, March 27, 2022.
Iskalde rivaler (Superpowers building up in the High North)
Klassekampen, March 26, 2022. In Norwegian.
Scotland a ‘high priority target’ for Russian attack
The Times, March 26, 2022.
Utenriksministermøte mellom Huitfeldt og Lavrov
Dagsnytt Atten NRK 1 og NRK P2, 25 October 2021. In Norwegian.