- Senior Researcher+47 47330349
Arctic security relations are fraught. State-to-state security relations are the tensest they have been since the end of the Cold War. Hotlines between military command centres exist, but confidence-building measures and dialogue are absent. Since March 2022, cooperation with Russia in the Arctic Council has been limited, whereas the country withdrew from the Barents Cooperation.
Arctic tension does not primarily come about because of issues in the Arctic region but because of spill-over from conflict in other parts of the world. Still, tension is manifesting in military exercises, suspended multilateral and bilateral cooperation, and provocative statements by Russian politicians. This is particularly apparent in the Barents Sea domain. Here, the Norwegian government still maintains the idiom ‘High North, low tension’ – not as a description of realities, but as an aspiration. On the other side of the Pole, in the Bering Sea, different security dynamics are emerging in the wake of increased Sino-Russo cooperation.
What allows so-called ‘low tension’ in the High North? What enabled relatively stable security relations until 2022? How do the various mechanisms that influence state behaviour operate in the Arctic? How did relations change after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022? And how, where, and with what focus can Arctic security governance mechanisms expand, if at all?
Over three years we will explore these questions. The first two years are dedicated to work packages that grapple with three dimensions (3D) – deterrence, dependence, and dialogue – in unpacking the security dynamics in the Arctic both before and after 2022. Some of the world’s foremost Arctic experts will ensure that we bring the debate on Arctic security relations up to speed. In the final year, we will embark on two tasks: synthesising findings through scenario workshops, and linking Arctic security governance with global as well as other region-specific governance trends.
Project period: 2024-2026
Arctic3D – Leader team/coordination: Prof. Neumann; Dr Østhagen; Dr Jørgensen; Dr Rowe |
RQ 1 – (January 2024–December 2025) |
WP 1 – Deterrence Case 1: Nordic security dilemma - Dr Andreas Østhagen (FNI) - Lin A. Mortensgaard (KU) - Dr Samu Paukkunen (FIIA) - Prof. Silja B. Ómarsdóttir (ICE) Case 2: Security in the Bering Sea - Dr Rebecca Pincus (Wilson) - Dr Andreas Østhagen (FNI) |
WP 2 – Dependence Case 1: Barents/Bering fisheries - Dr Anne-Kristin Jørgensen (FNI) - Dr Andrey Todorov (Harvard) - Prof. Geir Hønneland (FNI) Case 2: Petroleum interdependence - Prof. Arild Moe (FNI) - Ida Soltvedt Hvinden (FNI) |
WP 3 – Dialogue Case 1: Track-two dialogue - Dr Elana W. Rowe (NMBU) - Dr Andreas Raspotnik (FNI) - Dr Andreas Østhagen (FNI) - Prof. Whitney Lackenbauer (TU) Case 2: Arctic Council - Dr Svein Rottem (FNI) - Serafima Andreeva (FNI) - Pavel Devyatkin (TAI) |
RQ 2 & 3 – Scenarios and Governance (January 2026 – December 2026) |
WP 4 – Scenarios and risk reduction Lead: Dr Elena Dybtsyna (NORD) - The whole project group |
WP 5 – Global and regional security governance Lead: Dr Andreas Østhagen (FNI) - Dr Rebecca Pincus (Wilson) - Prof. Iver B. Neumann (FNI) - Prof. Jennifer Welsh (McGill) |
Users and communication (2024–2026): |
Norwegian users: - Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Norwegian Ministry of Defence - Arctic Parliamentarians / Norwegian Parliament - Norwegian Joint Headquarters US users: - Arctic Parliamentarians / US Senate - US DoD Arctic Strategic Office - State Dep. Arctic Security Officer - US Coast Guard Academy |
Communication / engagement: - Fridtjof Nansen Institute (coordination & Oslo events) - The Arctic Institute (early-career outreach & op-eds) - Woodrow Wilson Center (events/workshop in DC) - High North Center at Nord University (Arctic course and scenario workshop in Bodø) - Ted Stevens Center for Arctic Security Studies (Alaska event and outreach) |
- Senior Researcher+47 47480167 / +43 699 10198737
- Senior Researcher+47 90526312
- Research Professor+47 92696167
- Research Professor+47 99796020
- PhD Research Fellow+47 47620029
- Director+47 67111900
- Researcher+47 97892081
- Senior Researcher+47 90021931
- Research Council of Norway
In K. Spohrová, D.S. Hamilton and J. Moyer (eds), Arktida a světový řád. Karolinum, 2024, pp. 357-378. In Czech.
In Nukhet Sandal (ed), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies. Oxford University Press, 2024. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190846626.013.731
The Arctic Institute, January 10, 2025.
Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, September 2024, 30 p. ISBN: 978-1-78467-252-2.
Arctic Today, August 30, 2024.
High North News, June 11, 2024. In Norwegian.
The Arctic Institute, April 9, 2024.
In Max Bergmann and Otto Svendsen (eds), Arctic Energy Security. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2024, pp. 2-5.
Sosiologen, January 29, 2024. In Norwegian.
- Fridtjof Nansen Institute at Arctic Frontiers 2025
- FNI Experts on Trump and Greenland: A Norwegian Perspective
- FNI with strong presence at Arctic Circle 2024
- Arctic Security Conference 2024 at Litteraturhuset in Oslo
- FNI is getting ready for the Arctic Congress in Bodø
- Exploring Geopolitics in the Arctic: Deterrence, Dependency, and Dialogue
Trump’s Greenland gambit
The Jolt (podcast), January 17, 2025.
Russisk parlamentariker ønsker base på Svalbard: – Idiotisk, mener forsker (Russian parliamentarian wants base on Svalbard: – 'Idiotic,' Says Researcher)
Aftenposten, January 15, 2025. In Norwegian.
Die Angst der Skandinavier: Trump könnte mit Putin in der Arktis gemeinsame Sache machen (Scandinavians Fear Trump-Putin Cooperation in the Arctic)
MSN Germany, January 15, 2025. In German.
Trump Is Not Joking : The “Great Game” Of 21st Century Has Begun; US, China, Russia To Clash Over Arctic
The EurAsian Times, January 14, 2025.
Americanii exagerează prezența chineză în Groenlanda. Nu așa tratezi cu aliații (Analist) (Americans exaggerate Chinese presence in Greenland)
RFI Romania, January 13, 2025. In Romanian.
Stormaktsspill om Arktis? (Great Power Politics in the Arctic?)
NRK EKKO P2 (Radio), January 13, 2025. In Norwegian.
Frykter Trump vil ha Svalbard: – Uroen er skremmende (Fears Trump May Target Svalbard)
NRK Troms og Finnmark, January 10, 2025. In Norwegian.
Krisemøte i København om Grønland (Copenhagen Crisis Meeting on Greenland)
NRK Dagsnytt 18, January 9, 2025. In Norwegian.
Trump og Grønland: klumsete geopolitikk eller sikkerhetsproblem (Trump and Greenland: bad news for Norway)
NRK Politisk Kvarter (TV/radio), January 9, 2025. In Norwegian.
Trump vil ha Grønland og Canada: – Undergraver Nato (Trump Eyes Greenland and Canada: 'Undermining NATO')
VG, January 9, 2025. In Norwegian.
Trumps uttalelser om Grønland skaper uro (Trump's Greenland Remarks Stir Unrest)
NRK Nyhetsmorgen (TV/radio) January 9, 2025. In Norwegian.
Russland advarer Norge mot Svalbard-militarisering: – Farlig provokasjon (Russia warns Norway over Svalbard militarization)
Aftenposten, December 20, 2024. In Norwegian.
Kina og Svalbard: - Misbruk av forskning er krevende (China and Svalbard: Curbing research misuse is a challenge)
Dagbladet Børsen, December 11, 2024. In Norwegian.
Tror Russland kan gjøre tester i Norge: – Påvirkning og spionasje (Believes Russia may test in Norway: influence and espionage)
Nettavisen, December 7, 2024. In Norwegian.
Søreide ser nye trusler i horisonten (Søreide Sees New Threats on the Horizon)
Klassekampen, December 7, 2024. In Norwegian.
Canada Seeks Stronger US Ties in Arctic to Counter Russia, China
Bloomberg, December 6, 2024.
Vil ha tøffere tone i nord (Calls for a tougher stance in the Arctic)
Svalbardposten, December 6, 2024. In Norwegian.
Gli Stati del Nord Europa hanno aggiornato i manuali di sopravvivenza in caso di guerra per i cittadini (Nordic countries update civil defense manuals for war)
Wired.it, November 20, 2024. In Italian.
Norway’s Security vis-à-vis Russia | Eastern Expres
TVP World, November 12, 2024.
To tam może się zacząć konflikt z NATO. Arktyczna gra Putina (This is where the conflict with NATO may begin. Putin's Arctic Game)
Newsweek Poland, November 11, 2024. In Polish.
Forsker om kinesisk markering på Svalbard (Researcher on Chinese Presence at Svalbard)
NRK Troms (Radio), November 8, 2024. In Norwegian.
Arctic Circle Assembly 2024: – Det eksisterer en ide om at Nato som organisasjon er mektigere enn den er (Perception of NATO's power exceeds reality)
High North News, October 17, 2024. In Norwegian.
Kartlegger havnenes betydning for nasjonal sikkerhet: – Havna er vår livslinje (Norwegian government assesses port security)
NRK Troms og Finnmark, October 3, 2024. In Norwegian.
China’s Coast Guard claims to have entered the Arctic Ocean for the first time as it ramps up security ties with Russia
CNN, October 3, 2024.
Så vill Ryssland och Kina väcka spökstad till liv – på Natomark (Russia and China to revive ghost town on NATO soil)
Dagens Nyheter, September 29, 2024. In Swedish.
Kina sørger for ny rekord for Nordøstpassasjen (China drives increased shipping traffic on the Northern Sea Route)
NRK Urix, September 22, 2024. In Norwegian.
Why Russia is planning to resurrect its ghost town on Norwegian Soil | Foreign Correspondent
ABC News In-depth (TV), July 25, 2024.
The ghosts of the Arctic are stirring back to life
ABC News, July 24, 2024.
Stanser gigantsalg på Svalbard: – Nærmest skamløs promotering (Halts Giant Sale at Svalbard)
TV2, July 1, 2024. In Norwegian.
BBC Weekend
BBC (radio), June 9, 2024.
Strammer forskningsgrepet på Svalbard: – En markering (Tightening Research Control in Svalbard)
NRK Troms & Finnmark, June 2, 2024. In Norwegian.
Svalbards sikkerhetspolitiske betydning (Norway Seeks Stronger Control on Svalbard)
NRK Helgemorgen (TV/radio), June 1, 2024. In Norwegian.
Analysis: Scandinavia Is Preparing for War
Foreign Policy, February 9, 2024.
Битва за Арктику? Чому Норвегія та Данія так допомагають Україні у війні з Росією (Battle for the Arctic? Why Norway and Denmark Are Significantly Supporting Ukraine in the War with Russia)
BBC News Ukrainian Service, February 5, 2024. In Ukrainian. Russian version here. French version here.