Coastal State Jurisdiction and Vessel Source Pollution: The International Law of the Sea Framework for Norwegian Legislation

FNI Report 3/2006. Lysaker, FNI, 2006, 47 p.

The main objective of this report is the current geographical extent and scope of Norway’s right to regulate vessel source pollution under international law and relevant Norwegian legislation. The law of the sea recognises the freedom of navigation, yet limits in varying degrees the operation of vessels in the maritime areas of a coastal State. This report portrays the aim under international law at reconciling the opposing interests of the flag State and the coastal State. It analyses Norwegian jurisdiction over vessel source pollution in ports and internal waters, the territorial sea and the exclusive economic zone. A separate part is devoted to coastal State jurisdiction with regard to maritime casualties and special areas. 
In the assessment of the existing legal regime, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Part XII is the point of departure. Where necessary, account is taken of the impact of regulatory conventions and the important role of the International Maritime Organization.



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