Den norske håndteringen av Elektron-saken 2005: Kompetansestrid og kompetent realpolitikk ('The Norwegian Handling of the Electron Incident in 2005')
In Gunnar Fermann (ed), Utenrikspolitikk og norsk krisehåndtering. Oslo, Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2013, pp. 231-265. In Norwegian.
In Gunnar Fermann (ed), Utenrikspolitikk og norsk krisehåndtering. Oslo, Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2013, pp. 231-265. In Norwegian.
The chapter analyses the Norwegian handling of the foreign policy crisis of the Electron Case in 2005. Resting on a solid foreign policy theoretical foundation both from within the state aparatus and external to this, it explains considerations and reasons for Norwegian actual and official behaviour in the management of the incident.