Globale og regionale følger av klimaendringer. Konsekvenser for Norge ('Global and Regional Ramifications of Climate Change. Consequenses for Norway')
FNI Report 12/2010. Lysaker, FNI, 2010, 76 p. In Norwegian.
FNI Report 12/2010. Lysaker, FNI, 2010, 76 p. In Norwegian.
There is a need for more knowledge on how climate change will affect the international society and what consequences this in turn will have for Norway. This report seeks to answer the questions of, first, how global and regional climate changes can come to affect the Norwegian society, and second, what the relevant arenas for meeting these challenges are. The report is part of a larger body of scientific analyses aimed at assessing the vulnerability of the Norwegian society to the adverse effects of climate change and the consequent needs for adaptive measures. Topics covered include increased activity in the Arctic; climate change as non-traditional security threat; migration and refugees; foreign aid and development cooperation; implications for food and water supply; the roles of international agencies and non-governmental actors, and more. It also covers internal challenges in terms of critical infrastructure (in transport, power supply, and telecommunications) and in regard to health concerns. The report also differentiates between ethical obligations and instrumental challenges.