Interim Assessment of Revised National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPS)

Cambridge/Lysaker, UNEP-WCMC/FNI, 2015, 31 p.

On behalf of UNEP-WCMC and the Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Norway, Balakrishna Pisupati and Christian Prip have conducted an interim assessment of 25 national biodiversity strategies and action plans submitted after the adoption of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and the "Aichi Targets" at CBD COP 10 in 2010. The review was commissioned as an activity in the UNEP project “Support to GEF eligible countries for achieving Aichi Biodiversity Target 17 through a Globally Guided NBSAPs Update Process”, funded by the Global Environment Facility. The assessment undertakes a preliminary review of how countries have considered the Strategic Plan of the CBD and the readiness to achieve the Aichi Targets at national level. Although the assessment is based on a limited number of NBSAPs developed after 2010 (25), indications are that most NBSAPs use the Aichi Targets as an overall framework to set national targets and/or national priorities for action. However, as was the case for pre-2010 NBSAPs, issues of a cross-cutting nature beyond the direct drivers of biodiversity loss have received limited attention. This also applies to legal preparedness and resource mobilization for biodiversity. The assessment provides specific examples of national actions suggested in the revised NBSAPs, and a set of generic recommendations for countries that are still to finalize their NBSAPs. The interim assessment will be followed up by a more comprehensive assessment when a larger number of CBD Parties have submitted revised NBSAPs.



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