Klimaforhandlingene i København: USAs betydning analysert gjennom to-nivå spill ('Climate Negotiations in Copenhagen: USA's Significance Analysed')

FNI Report 17/2010. Lysaker, FNI, 2010, 105 p. In Norwegian.

The Copenhagen climate summit was intended to represent the end point in the negotiations that started based on the Bali Mandate two years earlier. As we know, the Copenhagen summit ended in what most critics describe as a weak political agreement, and not the strong binding agreement many had hoped for. This report seeks to understand the outcome of the negotiations based on the role of one of the key actors – the United Stats. In this report Putnam‘s twolevel game metaphor is used as a framework for analyzing the role of the United States in the Copenhagen climate negotiations. The empirical analysis of the climate debate in the U.S. in 2009 – leading up to the international negotiations, seeks to identify the critical factors that formed the U.S. position in the Copenhagen negotiations. The power of the U.S. position and the interconnection between U.S. domestic politics and the international negotiations is then studied in relation to the other international key actors China and the EU. This analysis is useful for future international negotiations because it points out where there must be a change in order to expand the opportunity space for the U.S. negotiators, and hence make an international climate agreement more likely to happen.


