Norge og klimakrisen: Debatten om olje og gass i det grønne skiftet ('Norway and the climate crisis: The debate on oil and gas towards a green transition')

Oslo, Novus, 2018, 104 p.

Can the Norwegian petroleum industry talk its way out of greenward shift? Can Norway really meet its climate obligations by pushing for more oil and gas extraction? In this book we analyse the debate on climate change and the future of the Norwegian oil and gas industry. We show how sections of the industry and power elite explain why fossil fuels should have a central role in the fight against global climate change. Norway is not drilling for oil and gas merely to earn money, but to protect the environment, they say. Indeed, according some, oil and gas operations can improve the living conditions of the destitute of this world. Giving petroleum extraction a boost is good environmental policy and good development cooperation policy. But can this upside-down argumentation withstand closer scrutiny? By analysing a large number of opinions, views and articles in the press from 2000 to the present day, we trace the evolution of the public debate on the Norwegian oil and gas industry from then to now. We provide examples of how the climate battles of recent years have ended up in court. Finally, we ask whether the participants in the Norwegian petroleum debate are treating the climate crisis with the gravity it really deserves.



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    +47 99038286

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