Norsk utviklingssamarbeid og et klima i endring ('Norwegian Development Cooperation and Climate Change Financing')

FNI Report 7/2011. Lysaker, FNI, 2011, 22 p. In Norwegian.

The Report analyses challenges within development aid with the inclusion of climate financing in the Norwegian portfolio. The report starts by identifying central concepts and challenges that arise when funding of climate change projects are made part of a traditional development aid budget. Does the inclusion of climate considerations – mitigation and adaptation projects – within the Norwegian development aid budget alter the traditional development goals? Moreover, we ask to what degree the climate change funding can be regarded as “new and additional”, as committed in international climate negotiations. The analysis is based on interviews within the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Environment, and the Norwegian Agency for Development Aid, as well as analysis of the official Norwegian development budgets from 2010 and 2011. It concludes that while mitigation financing, in particular REDD(+) can be said to be largely additional to traditional aid goals, it is difficult to assess the additionality for adaptation funding due to a lack of transparency.



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