The Barents Euro-Arctic Region
In Fredrick Backman et. al (eds), Encyclopedia of the Barents Region (Volume II). Oslo, Pax, 2016, pp. 69-75
In Fredrick Backman et. al (eds), Encyclopedia of the Barents Region (Volume II). Oslo, Pax, 2016, pp. 69-75
The Barents Euro-Arctic Region was established in 1993 and involves cooperation at both state and regional level between Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. Its aim is to cultivate neighbourly relations across the old East-West divide in the European North and enable joint projects in a number of areas, inclding trade and industry, student exchange and indigenous issues. The chapter provides an overview of the history and structure of the Barents regional cooperation and analyses its achievements and prospects for the future. One major finding is that the collaborative structure have proven to be a good arena for joint project planning among the participating states and counties, but less so for the implementation of projects.