EU’s Bioeconomy Strategy: Conflicts and Prospects ahead
FNI, NIFU and TIK are hosting a seminar on the EU's bioeconomy and biofuels policies. How have these policies developed over time, and what are the major conflicts looking ahead?
Please register by 1 March by sending an e-mail to
EU policies supporting sustainable use of biomass resources have evolved over time. This seminar will give a comprehensive overview of this policy development, the current biomass resource situation and what the conflicts and challenges are ahead in terms of realizing EU’s biofuels and bioeconomy goals. The seminar also asks the timely question: how do these EU policies play into the Norwegian Government’s recently adopted Bioeconomy Strategy?
Introduction: Senior Research Fellow Per Ove Eikeland, Fridtjof Nansen Institute.
Keynote speaker: Professor Tomas Kåberger, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg.
Other researchers and policy experts will also contribute to the discussion. Questions from the audience are welcomed.
Biofuels expert
Prof. Kåberger has held Professorship in Industrial Energy Policy at Chalmers from 2012 and served as Professor at Lund University, International Sustainable Energy Systems from 2005-2008. Prof. Kåberger has broad experience in renewable energy and biomass-based policy-making and industry development, and he served as Director General for the Swedish Energy Agency in 2008-2011. He is board member of Vattenfall, Cleanergy AB and Industrifonden, chairman of the board of Japan Renewable Energy Foundation and chairman of the steering committee of European Biofuels Technology Platform.
Venture project
The seminar is a collaborative venture between FNI, NIFU and TIK, and is funded by the projects Europeanisation of Energy-Technology Innovation Systems (ETIS) and Sustainable path creation for innovative value chains for organic waste products (SusValueWaste) under the Research Council of Norway.