Jus eller politikk? Reform av norsk verneområdeforvaltning ('Law or Policy? Reform of Norwegian Protected Area Management')
In L. Gipperth and C. Zetterberg (eds), Miljörättliga perspektiv och tankevändor. Vänbok till Jan Darpö & Gabriel Michanek. Uppsala, Iustus förlag, 2013, pp. 237-252.
In L. Gipperth and C. Zetterberg (eds), Miljörättliga perspektiv och tankevändor. Vänbok till Jan Darpö & Gabriel Michanek. Uppsala, Iustus förlag, 2013, pp. 237-252.
The chapter takes as its starting point that the relationship (balance) between law and policy varies according to sector and over time, and that there exists no ideal balance between the two. Issues of interest thus are to identify factors that influence the relationship, the dynamics of the relationship, and which consequences the chosen balance has within the sector in question. The chapter uses the Norwegian reform of protected area management as a case study. The reform commenced in 2009 and involves delegation of authority to local management boards composed of local and regional politicians.