Planlegging av vindkraftanlegg og kommunens rolle ('Planning of Windpower Facilities and the Role of the Municipality')
In Katrine Broch Hauge and Knut Bjørn Stokke (eds), Integrert kystsoneforvaltning. Planfaglege, samfunnsvitskapelege og juridiske perspektiv ('Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Planning, Social Science, and Judicial Perspectives'). Universitetsforlaget, 2021, pp. 221-245. In Norwegian.
In Katrine Broch Hauge and Knut Bjørn Stokke (eds), Integrert kystsoneforvaltning. Planfaglege, samfunnsvitskapelege og juridiske perspektiv ('Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Planning, Social Science, and Judicial Perspectives'). Universitetsforlaget, 2021, pp. 221-245. In Norwegian.
This chapter analyses the role of the municipality in windpower developments in Norway. We find significant discrepancies between formal requirements and actual practices. While formally the municipality is only a hearing partner, in practice they enjoy a significant influence in the early phases. The licensing authority also puts significant weight on the attitude of the municipality. In detailed planning, the municipality’s influence is significantly reduced, and this may increase the conflict levels.