- Research Professor+47 92016644
Include is an FME, a Research Centre for Environmentally friendly Energy. These centres involve a broad range of private and public sector user-partners, and are set up to be national frontrunners in their field. Include is an eight-year research centre that will produce knowledge about how to realise a socially just low-carbon society through socially inclusive processes.
Participatory processes involving municipalities, citizens and energy corporations will a key part of the centre’s work. 23 different user partners are involved, and the work will be done in close collaboration between the researchers and partners in the public, private and voluntary sectors.
The Centre investigates three main areas: Energy Systems in Transition, Energy Flows and Spaces, and Municipalities as Change Agents. There are also separate research applying interventions, and learning across borders, with case studies in the UK.
Led by Center for Development and the Environment (SUM), the FNI is one of the major partners, and leads the work on Energy Systems in Transition. Asking how transitions in the power system and other energy systems that are socially just and inclusive can be achieved, this part of the Centre will focus on the ongoing restructuring of energy systems, energy sources and carriers, and finally, the EU integration of the energy sector for Norway.
A large part of FNI's work in the project is carried out through Eivind Hjort Matthiasen's PhD project Understanding consumers’ capacity to transition to sustainable energy practices: A level playing field or a pipe dream?
Project period: 2020-2027
- Research Professor+47 97168296
- Research Professor+47 41277416
- Deputy Director / Research Director Climate and Energy+47 97540217
- Research Professor+47 47477405
- Senior Researcher+47 48074508
- PhD Research Fellow+47 97487413
- PhD Research Fellow+47 92250208
- Researcher+47 99716657
- Research Professor+47 90404155
- The Research Council of Norway
- User partners
In Rainer Quitzow and Yana Zabanova (eds), The Geopolitics of Hydrogen. Springer, 2024, pp. 213-232.
Energy Research & Social Science, Article 103496, Vol 112, June 2024, 17 p.
Energy Research & Social Science, Vol 110, April 2024, 23 p. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2024.103466
Energy Research & Social Science, available online 22.11.2023, 12 p. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2023.103334
Climate Policy, published online 25.09.2023, 14 p. DOI: 0.1080/14693062.2023.2261886
Energy Research & Social Science, Vol 104, No 103231, 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2023.103231
Energy Research & Social Science, Vol 103, No 103219, 2023, 12 p.
Energy Research & Social Science, Vol 101, No 103147, 2023, 12 p.
Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 396, available online 21.02.2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.136534
International Environmental Agreements, published online 04.10.2022, 18 p. DOI: 10.1007/s10784-022-09587-2
Energy Research & Social Science, Vol 91, 2022, 13 p. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2022.102745
Environmental Politics, published online 17.05.2022, 22 p. DOI: 10.1080/09644016.2022.2075153
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, published online 29.03.2022, 19 p. DOI: 10.1002/bbb.2363
Politics and Governance, Vol 10, No 1, 2022, 12 p.
In Katrine Broch Hauge and Knut Bjørn Stokke (eds), Integrert kystsoneforvaltning. Planfaglege, samfunnsvitskapelege og juridiske perspektiv ('Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Planning, Social Science, and Judicial Perspectives'). Universitetsforlaget, 2021, pp. 221-245. In Norwegian.
Energy Research & Social Science, published online 05.04.2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2021.102043
Energy Research & Social Science, Vol 74, 2021, pp. 1-12. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2021.101963
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, published online 18.02.2021. DOI: 10.1007/s10784-021-09529-4
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, Vol 21, No 1, 2021, pp. 1-15.
Climate Policy, published online 15.01.2021, 16 p. DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2020.1868393
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol 137, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2020.110592
In R.K.W. Wurzel, D. Liefferink and D. Torney (eds), Pioneers, Leaders and Followers in Multilevel and Polycentric Climate Governance. Routledge, 2020, pp. 104-125.
Energy Research & Social Science, published online 14.10.2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2020.101816
Politics and Governance, Vol 8, No 3, 2020. DOI: 10.17645/pag.v8i3.2874
Journal of Cleaner Production, published online 11.07.2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.122860
International Political Science Review, published online 22.04.2020, 15 p. DOI: 10.1177/0192512120907112
Science Norway, September 22, 2023.
NTNU Report 1/2023, 36 p. In Norwegian
Forskning.no, September 6, 2023. In Norwegian.
Aftenposten, August 11, 2023. In Norwegian.
Czech Journal of International Relations, published online 10.07.2023, 14 p. DOI: 10.32422/cjir.783
RIFS Discussion Paper, Potsdam, RIFS, June 2023, 20 p.
Include Resultater og Anbefalinger 07/2022, 4 p. In Norwegian.
Aftenposten, November 8, 2022. In Norwegian.
Store norske leksikon, November 4, 2022. In Norwegian.
Include Resultater og Anbefalinger 05/2022, 3 p. In Norwegian.
Sosiologen, October 27, 2022. In Norwegian.
Aftenposten, 5 October 2021. In Norwegian.
Aftenposten, 25 June 2021. In Norwegian.
Aftenposten, 15 June 2021. In Norwegian.
Aftenposten, 8 June 2021. In Norwegian.
Forskning.no, 10 March 2021. In Norwegian.
In Neil H. Carter, Conor Little and Diarmuid Torney (eds), Climate Politics in Small European States. Routledge, 2021, chapter 3.
FNI Report 2/2020. Lysaker, FNI, 2020, 85 p.
Kommunal Rapport, 27.11.20. In Norwegian.
Dagens Næringsliv, 18.11.2020. In Norwegian.
Teknisk Ukeblad, 13 May 2020. In Norwegian
- Understanding Wind-power Trends in the Nordic Countries
- FNI to Research Energy Poverty
- Skal forske på energifattigdom
- Energifattigdom er tema når Torjus L. Bredvold er intervjuet på NRK Lørdagsrevyen
- New senior researcher to FNI
- Denne kronikken må leses i Hurdal!
- Fridtjof Nansens Institutt søker seniorforsker
- - En ambisiøs klimaplan som legger opp til store hjemlige kutt
Podkast: Rettferdig energiomstilling – er det mulig? (Fair Energy Transition - Is It Possible?)
Universitetsplassen UiO (podcast), May 29, 2024. In Norwegian.
Brei støtte til aleinefest-kommentar (Municipal Norway Meets Nature Management Critique)
NRK, February 21, 2024. In Norwegian.
Er Norge en klimasinke sammenlignet med Sverige og Danmark? (Is Norway a climate laggard compared to Denmark?)
Forskning.no, January 29, 2024. In Norwegian.
NRK-funn om naturen: – Kan vise brot på Grunnlova (NRK Findings on Nature: Possible Breaches of the Constitution)
NRK, 23 January 2024. In Norwegian.
NVE-sjefen advarer: – Når du prioriterer opp noe, så kommer det til å prioritere ned noe (NVE Warning: Prioritization Trade-offs)
EnergyWatch, August 21, 2023. In Norwegian.
– Elektrifisering av Melkøya er nedbetalt på to år ('Electrification of Melkøya Pays Off in Two Years')
Teknisk Ukeblad, August 16, 2023. In Norwegian.
Sofies grønne skifte: 3. Omstilling for fattig og for rik
Universitetsplassen (UiO Podcast), June 16, 2023. In Norwegian.
Solenergiklyngen om NVEs delingsmodell: – Faller på sin egen urimelighet (The solar energy cluster about NVE's sharing model: "Unreasonable")
Teknisk Ukeblad, October 14, 2022. In Norwegian.
NVE: Nå blir det lettere med solceller i borettslag og sameier (NVE will make it easier to use solar energy in housing associations)
Teknisk Ukeblad, October 14, 2022. In Norwegian.
Hva er energifattigdom? (What is energy poverty?)
Magasinet Klima, October 2022. In Norwegian.
Norway's energy production under stress due to lack of water
Deutsche Welle (TV), September 15, 2022.
Fornybar energi kan løse fremtidens energikriser. Men hva skal vi gjøre mens vi venter på det grønne skiftet? (Waiting for the green shift)
Teknisk ukeblad, August 18, 2022. In Norwegian.
Truer med stengte kraner (Russia threatens to close gas pipelines)
Klassekampen, March 31, 2022. In Norwegian
Åtte spørsmål og svar om elektrifisering av sokkelen (Q&A on electrification of the continental shelf)
Faktisk.no, 17 January 2022. In Norwegian.
Deler ut ved gratis: – Det er litt annerledes i år (Hands out free firewood)
Dagsavisen, 6 December 2021. In Norwegian.
Forsker: De rike vil tjene mest på kuttet i elavgiften (Researcher: the rich will benefit most from the cut in the electricicty tax)
E24, 14 November 2021. In Norwegian
Opp mot 50 000 opplever energifattigdom (About 50.000 affected by energy poverty)
NRK Lørdagsrevyen, 13 November 2021. In Norwegian.
Haakon (27) installerte peis for å spare strøm ('Haakon (27) installed stove to save electricity')
Universitas, 27.10.2021. In Norwegian
Frykter minstepensjonister heller kutter i maten enn å be om hjelp til å betale strømmen ('Fears pensioneers will rather cut food than ask for help to pay electricity bill')
Nationen, 26.10.2021. In Norwegian
– Forberedt på å fryse oss gjennom vinteren ('- We are preparing for freezing through the winter')
E24, 25.10.2021. In Norwegian.
Lever på strømprisens nåde: – Jeg skammer meg sånn (Living on the grace of electricity prices: - I'm so ashamed)
VG, 23 October 2021. In Norwegian.
Konfliktnivå og utbygging av vindkraft (Conflict level and development of wind power)
Norske tilstander, TV2. 21 October 2021. In Norwegian.
Det er ikke bare fattige som sliter med strømregningen (Not only poor people struggle with the electricity bill)
Forskning.no, 20 October 2021. In Norwegian.
Blir dette strømprisopprørets tiår? ('Will this be the decade of energy riots?')
KLP Kommunekonferansen, 14.10.2021
Frykter enda høyere strømregninger: – Vi er mange som sliter ('Fears even higher electricity bills: We are many now who struggle')
NRK Sørlandet, 05.10.2021. In Norwegian.
– Energifattigdom er et stort problem ('- Energy poverty is a big problem')
Europower, 05.10.2021. In Norwegian
Elektrifisering øker strømprisen - blir regningen rettferdig?
NRK, 4 September 2021
Hvem skaffer seg solcellepanel hjemme? (Who opt for solar panels at home?)
Forskning.no, 09.11.20. In Norwegian.
Why some municipalities accept windpower farms
Include, University of Oslo
Energifattige oppfatter bransjen som usosial og kynisk ('Energy poor perceive the industry as cynical')
Europower Energi, 14 April 2020. In Norwegian.
– Da koronakrisen traff Europa var entusiasmen rundt Green Deal allerede i ferd med å avta ('– When the corona crisis hit Europe, enthusiasm for the Green Deal had already started to fade')
Magasinet Klima, 14 April 2020. In Norwegian.
EU og klima: Koronakrisen gir «ekstremt verdifull lærdom» til kampen mot klimakrisen ('EU and climate: The corona crisis provides "extremely valuable lessons" for the fight against climate change')
Energi og Klima, 25 March 2020. In Norwegian.