My main research interests are within the fields of global environmental politics, transnational environmental governance, climate and energy politics, and nature protection, land-use and forest governance. Current research areas include EU and Norwegian climate and energy politics, wind power, solar power and other renewables, and land-use, forest, and aquaculture politics in Norway. Much of my earlier work has examined the emergence, evolution and effects of nonstate governance and public-private governance interactions across economic sectors.
Academic background
- Full professor competence (2013)
- Ph.D., University of Oslo (2009, political science)
- Cand.polit., University of Oslo (2001, political science)
- M.Sc., London School of Economics (1998, organisational and social psychology)
Professional experience
- Research Director, Climate and Energy (since 2019).
- Deputy Director at FNI (since 2015).
- Research Professor at FNI (since 2013), previously Senior Research Fellow (since 2005) and Research Fellow (since 2001) at FNI.
- Director of the Global Environmental Governance program at FNI (2010-2016).
- Research Fellow, Sustainability Science Program, Harvard Kennedy School, USA (2007).
- Member of the Editorial Board of Global Environmental Politics.
- Member of the Academic Advisory Council for Voluntary Sustainability Standards, United Nations (UNCTAD-UNFSS).
- Member of the Board of the PLATON consortium (Platform for Open and Nationally Accessible Climate Policy Knowledge).
- Staff representative in the Board of FNI (2006-2015)
- Lecturer at the bachelor-level course International Environmental and Resource Management Politics at the Department of Political Science, University of Oslo.
Tidsskriftet UTMARK, No 1, 2025, pp. 1-25.
Global Policy, published online 30.06.2024, 21 p. DOI: 10.1111/1758-5899.13401
Forest Policy and Economics, Vol 166, published online 14.06.2024, 9 p.
Energy Research & Social Science, Vol 104, No 103231, 2023. DOI:
Environmental Policy and Governance, published online 29.05.2023, 12 p. DOI: 10.1002/eet.2068
FNI-rapport 3/2024. Lysaker, FNI, 2024, 21 p. In Norwegian.
Aftenposten, May 27, 2024. In Norwegian.
Aftenposten, August 11, 2023. In Norwegian.
Dagens Næringsliv, June 22, 2023. In Norwegian.
Kommunal rapport, June 2, 2023. In Norwegian.
Arbeiderpartiet vil behandle kun tre EU-direktiver: – Kan ikke bare fortsette å si nei, sier forsker (Labour Party to Tackle Three EU Directives: 'Can't Keep Saying No'), January 31, 2025. In Norwegian.
EU-regler splitter regjeringen – hva handler de egentlig om? (EU rules divide the government – what are they really about?), January 30, 2025. In Norwegian.
Eksperter: Acer-motstand kan sette hele EØS-avtalen i spill (Experts: ACER Opposition Could Threaten the EEA Agreement)
NRK, January 30, 2025. In Norwegian.
Alt du vil vite om fjerde energipakke – men ikkje tør å spørje om (All you need to know on EU's fourth energy package)
NRK Vestland, January 22, 2025. In Norwegian.
Frykter dagens vindkraftpolitikk kan skade natur og strømproduksjon (Concerns Over Wind Power Policy Impact on Nature and Energy)
NRK, March 25, 2024. In Norwegian.