My main research interests are within the fields of global environmental governance, business strategies, innovation and regulation, climate and energy politics and sustainable resource management related to energy change and transition (i.e. hydrogen value chain, renewable energy and natural resources) and environmental governance and sustainable development of aquaculture and seafood sector.
Academic background
- Master of Technology Management, NTNU/NHH/MIT Sloan School of Management (2019)
- Strategic Management; Technology; Innovation; Sustainability;
- Master thesis: Environmental regulation and innovation in Aquaculture industry
- Repsol Corporate Master of E&P/Reservoir Engineering, Repsol Technology Center /Heriot Watt University (2013)
- Master of Science in Geophysics, University of Bergen (2010)
- Bachelor of Science in Geophysics, University of Bergen (2008)
- Exchange student to University of Hawaii at Manoa (Exchange 2008)
Professional experience
- Research Fellow, Fridtjof Nansen Institute (Since 2019)
- Advisory Board Member, Petrolia NOCO AS (Since 2020)
- Business development, Pexmar AS (2017-2019)
- Project Manager, Exploration, Petrolia NOCO AS (2018-2019)
- New Venture/Senior Geophysicist, Petrolia NOCO AS (2017-2018)
- Geophysicist, Repsol (2012-2016)
- Processing and Imaging, CGG (2011-2012)
In Rainer Quitzow and Yana Zabanova (eds), The Geopolitics of Hydrogen. Springer, 2024, pp. 213-232.
Journal of Applied Ecology, available online 27.06.2024, 12 p. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.14712
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Vol 47, published online 10.04.2023, 16 p. DOI: 10.1016/j.eist.2023.100725
Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 396, available online 21.02.2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.136534
Marine Policy, Vol 138, April 2022, 7 p. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2022.104987
Dagens Næringsliv, July 3, 2024. In Norwegian.
World Aquaculture, June 2024.
RIFS Discussion Paper, Potsdam, RIFS, June 2023, 20 p.
Report commissioned by the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) . Published 2022, 25 p.
-, September 30, 2022. In Norwegian.
Polacy kupują go na potęgę. Nie mają pojęcia, co jedzą (Poles buy it in droves. They have no idea what they're eating)
Witualna Polska (WP), 19 January, 2024. In Polish.
NVE-sjefen advarer: – Når du prioriterer opp noe, så kommer det til å prioritere ned noe (NVE Warning: Prioritization Trade-offs)
EnergyWatch, August 21, 2023. In Norwegian.
– Prosjekter som stopper opp, vil bli kastet ut ("Projects Stalling to Face Removal")
Energiteknikk, August 17, 2023. In Norwegian.
- Ingen eller liten effekt av strengere lusegrenser, 04.12.2020. In Norwegian.
Ingen miljøeffekt av strengere lusekrav (No environmental impact from stricter lice regulations)
IntraFish, 28.10.20. In Norwegian.