
  • FNI part of Arctic "Dream Team"

    Geir Hønneland

    Norway's ability to promote its interests and High North policies internationally is to be strengthened through the establishment of an Arctic network described as the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs Børge Brende's Arctic "dream team". FNI Director Geir Hønneland is part of the group.

  • New book: Asian Countries and the Arctic Future

    Asian countries and the Arctic future

    Over the last few years, Asian governments have taken a stronger approach to the Arctic, culminating with permanent-observer status to the Arctic Council for China, India, Japan, Singapore and South-Korea in 2013. This book brings together the latest research in emerging Asian interests for the Arctic region, and the implications thereof this change has for the future.

  • Obituary: Helge Ole Bergesen

    Helge Ole Bergesen

    Helge Ole Bergesen died on 29th of June, from cancer. He worked for the Fridtjof Nansen Institute from 1979 to 2006, except his term as State Secretary from 2001 to 2005. In 2006 he became the first Research Director at the University of Stavanger.


  • Person

  • Research area
