Call for papers: Involving Stakeholders in Regulation

A panel proposal associated with the INC project has been accepted for the section on The Politics of Bureaucracy at the ECPR General Conference to be held in Innsbruck, Austria. We are now accepting paper abstracts (max. 500 words) which can be sent to
Please see the call for papers here.
Call for papers for the ECPR General Conference, University of Innsbruck (22-26 August 2022)
Section: The Politics of Bureaucracy
Panel title: Involving Stakeholders in Regulation
Chair: Bastiaan Redert (University of Antwerp) and Torbjørg Jevnaker (Fridtjof Nansen Institute)
Policymakers rely heavily on non-state stakeholders (such as firms, business associations, trade unions, NGOs, consumer groups, etc.) in regulatory policymaking processes. Not only do policymakers need technical expertise to make effective regulation, they also use stakeholders as a means to ensure implementation, build their reputation and expand their authority. The panel welcomes both qualitative and quantitative papers that delve deeper in the relations between stakeholders and regulators. How do these relations take place? What are their effects? How do the networks of stakeholders and regulators look like – do they change over time, and what happens in times of crisis?
We invite everyone working on regulation and stakeholder involvement to submit a paper proposal.
The proposal should include an abstract of up to 500 words and your full contact details, and should be sent to by February 9, 2022.