Covid-19: Two new policy briefs
As the corona pandemic continues around the globe, researchers from the Fridtjof Nansen Institute have published two new policy briefs related to the crisis.
One policy brief focuses on the pandemic's possible impacts on seed security and global food security. It argues that due to the disruptions following from the pandemic, farmers may have to become increasingly self-sufficient in seed, and that promoting seed security in the wake of the crisis will require strengthening of local seed systems. The policy brief is written by FNI Research Director Regine Andersen and is available for download here:
FNI Policy Brief 1/2020: Seed security in the wake of the Corona crisis: The role of emergency aid and development cooperation
The other publication focuses on how the corona crisis is posing unprecedented challenges to global health cooperation, and highlights how the political decisions made now could have serious repercussions down the line, in terms of who gets access to a future vaccine, and who doesn't. The policy brief (in Norwegian) is written by FNI senior researchers Kristin Ingstad Sandberg, Steinar Andresen, Christian Prip and Kristin Rosendal:
FNI Policy Brief 2/2020: Tilgang på COVID-19 vaksiner. Hva blir utfordringene for global styring? ('Access to COVID-19 vaccines. What will the challenges for global governance be?')
Both reports have been developed as a response to a request from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway.