FNI scholars appointed for renewed term on GEP editorial board

FNI researchers Steinar Andresen and Lars H. Gulbrandsen have been appointed to serve another five-year term on the editorial board for the highly recognized academic journal Global Environmental Politics (GEP).
FNI’s Deputy Director Gulbrandsen and Research Professor Andresen have already served on the GEP editorial board for the past five years, but they have now both been asked to commit to another editorial term.
The Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI) thus continues to be the only research institution globally with two representatives on the editorial board.
High rankings
Global Environmental Politics, published by the MIT Press, examines the relationships between global political forces and environmental change, with a particular focus on the implications of local-global interactions for environmental management as well as the implications of environmental change and environmental governance for world politics in general. Contributions to the journal come from across the disciplines, and the journal has become a very successful one, notably having achieved consistently high rankings in the Social Science Citation Index. FNI researchers regularly publish their work in GEP.
'GEP is one of the most important publication outlets for FNI', says Gulbrandsen, and continues: 'Hence, we are happy to have a strong presence on its editorial board. The fact that FNI is the only research institution with two representatives on the GEP board speaks to the importance of FNI’s contributions to research on global environmental politics'.