- Research Professor+47 92696167
The overarching research question in this project is how the governance of Arctic shipping is shaped by the interaction of institutions, processes, and interests on the international, domestic Russian and bilateral level. FNIs contributions will focus on development and implementation of Russian Arctic shipping regulations and examine how the law and its practicing is influenced by national interests, perceptions and international political and legal context, and also on how China, the dominant non-Arctic state with the potentially largest interests in operating in Arctic waters, react to Russian regulations and formulates its own policies.
Project period: 2019-2023
- Norwegian Centre for the Law of the Sea, UiT (coordinator)
- Research Council of Norway/NORRUSS Pluss Programme
Europe-Asia Studies, published online 12.06.2023, 24 p. DOI: 10.1080/09668136.2023.2212144
Arctic Review on Law and Politics, Vol 12, 2021, pp. 4-30.
EKO, No 12, 2020, pp. 62-83. In Russian.
The Polar Journal, published online 19.08.2020, 19 p. DOI: 10.1080/2154896X.2020.1799611
Osteuropa, No 5, 2020, pp. 61-79. In German.
Science Norway, 14 December 2021.
Forskning.no, 1 December 2021. In Norwegian.
In Lawson W. Brigham, Robert W. Corell, Jong Deog Kim, Yoon Hyung Kim, Arild Moe, Charles E. Morrison, David L. VanderZwaag and Oran R. Young (eds), The Arctic in World Affairs: Will Great Power Politics Threaten Arctic Sustainability? Korean Maritime, Institute, 2020, pp. 199-208.
Russland vil bruke den nordlige sjørute hele året: − Får sterke atomisbrytere ("Russia to Utilize Northern Sea Route Year-Round)
VG, September 23, 2023. In Norwegian.
Melting ice leads to new cold war in the Arctic Circle
RTE, July 2, 2023.
Russland satser tungt på Svalbard (Russia is investing heavily in Svalbard)
Klassekampen, March 17, 2023. In Norwegian.
Arctic Shipping Routes Are Feeling the Heat
EOS Science News, Jult 6, 2022.
Rosatom ligger an til å få fullt ansvar for det som skjer på NSR, sier forsker ( Rosatom is to be given full responsibility for what happens at NSR, says researcher)
High North News, May 24, 2022. In Norwegian.
Matières premières, voie maritime : pour Moscou, l'Arctique est devenue une priorité (Raw materials, maritime route: for Moscow, the Arctic has become a priority)
Les Echos, 27 October 2021. In French.
Arctique : les pays nordiques tentent de contenir les ambitions russes (Arctic: Nordic countries try to contain Russian ambitions)
Les Echos, 27 October 2021. In French.
Международные перевозки по Севморпути обсудили за «круглым столом» (International transportation along the Northern Sea Route was discussed at round table)
Hibiny.com, 28 July 2021. In Russian.
Konflikt und Kooperation in der Arktis ('Conflict and cooperation in the Arctic')
Ostexperte.de, 22 August 2020. In German.
Med denne massive doningen vil russerne knuse is og vinne handelskampen i Asia ('With this massive construction, the Russians will crush ice and win the trade battle in Asia')
Aftenposten, 13 July 2020. In Norwegian.
Russland schwenkt auf schrittweise Erschließung der Nordostpassage ('Russia is moving towards a gradual development of the Northeast Passage')
Hansa International Maritime Journal, 3 April 2020. In German.
Das russische Eis bricht nur in Teilen ('The Russian ice only breaks in parts')
Hansa International Maritime Journal, 1 April 2020. In German.