International Law and Sea Level Rise

Leiden/Boston, Brill, 2019.

This book contains the edited version of the final report of the International Law Association (ILA) Committee on International Law and Sea Level Rise, as well as the related resolutions adopted by the ILA at its 78th Biennial Conference, held in Sydney, Australia, 19-24 August 2018. In Part I, background for the establishment of the Committee, information about its mandate and its work so far is presented. Part II addresses key law of the sea issues through a study of possible impacts of sea level rise and their implications under international law regarding maritime limits lawfully determined by the coastal States, and the agreed or adjudicated maritime boundaries. Part III addresses international law provisions, principles and frameworks for the protection of persons displaced in the context of sea level rise. ILA Resolution 5/2018 relates to maritime limits and boundaries impacted by sea level rise. ILA Resolution 6/2018, which also contains the Sydney Declaration of Principles, relates to the protection of persons displaced in the context of sea level rise and contains recommendations by the Committee to this effect.



  • Seniorforsker
    +47 47478477

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