Comparative assessments and conclusions
In Elin Lerum Boasson, Merethe Leiren Dotterud and Jørgen Wettestad (eds), Comparative Renewables Policy: Political, Organizational and European Fields. Routledge, 2021, pp. 219-240.
In Elin Lerum Boasson, Merethe Leiren Dotterud and Jørgen Wettestad (eds), Comparative Renewables Policy: Political, Organizational and European Fields. Routledge, 2021, pp. 219-240.
Challenging one-eyed technology-focused accounts of renewables policy, this book provides a ground-breaking, deep-diving and genre-crossing longitudinal study of policy development. The book develops a multi-field explanatory approach, capturing inter-relationships between actors often analyzed in isolation. It provides empirically rich and systematically conducted comparative case studies on the political dynamics of the ongoing energy transition in six European countries. While France, Germany, Poland and the United Kingdom opted for ‘technology-specific’ renewables support mixes, Norway and Sweden embarked on ‘technology-neutral’ support mixes. Differences between the two groups result from variations in domestic political and organizational fields, but developments over time in the European environment also spurred variation. These findings challenge more simplistic and static accounts of Europeanization.