Director+47 67111900RESEARCH INTERESTS:
Social Theory; Historic and Pre-Historic Polity Systems; Diplomacy; Collective Identities; Russian and Norwegian Foreign Policies
Deputy Director / Research Director Climate and Energy+47 97540217RESEARCH INTERESTS:
Global environmental governance; climate and energy policy; windpower; environmental politics; certification and eco-labelling; international forest politics
Research Director, Biodiversity and Natural Resources+47 95118037RESEARCH INTERESTS:
International and national governance of crop genetic resources; effects of multilateral environmental and economic agreements; farmers’ rights; local seed systems, community seed banks and development cooperation
Research Director Marine and Polar Issues+47 99038286RESEARCH INTERESTS:
Environmental politics, civil society and development aid in Post-Soviet states; Norwegian-Russian relations and the Barents cooperation; Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijani-Armenian relations.
Head of Administration+47 41045326MAIN FUNCTIONS:
Overall responsibility for administrative and economic matters; Secretary for Board and Council.