- Russian climate policy
- Russian greenhouse gas emission trends
- Russian energy policy
- International climate negotiation process
Academic background
- PhD, Energy Policy, Imperial College London
- MSc, Environmental Policy, Tampere University
Professional experience
- Senior Researcher and Programme Director, the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (February 2008-March 2011)
- Associate Fellow, Fridtjof Nansen Institute & Visiting Fellow, 4CMR University of Cambridge (2007)
- PhD studies, Imperial College London (2003-2007)
- A number of consultancy projects as self-employed consultant (2003-2008)
- Research Assistant / Project Coordinator, Imperial College London / Climate Strategies (September 2001-December 2002)
- Research Assistant / Intern, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, London (September 2000-June 2001)
In Iselin Stensdal and Gørild Heggelund (eds), China-Russia Relations in the Arctic: Friends in the Cold? Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, pp. 181-211.
EKO, No 8, 2022, pp. 67-88. In Russian.
Eurasian Geography and Economics, published online 03.06.2022. DOI: 10.1080/15387216.2022.2081928
Climatic Change, Vol 170, published online 07.02.2022. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-021-03299-3
Arktika: Ekologija i ekonomika, Vol 11, No 4, 2021, pp. 493-503. In Russian
Climate Strategies, 2024, 28 p.
Forskning.no, March 16, 2024. In Norwegian.
Russian Analytical Digest, No 309, 31.01.2024, pp. 36-38
Climate Strategies, 2023, 19 p.
Climate Strategies Insights Report, 2023, 38 p.
Lang kø utenfor den russiske ambassaden i Oslo. Flere skal stemme på en død kandidat (Long lines outside Russian Embassy in Oslo as voters opt for deceased candidate)
Aftenposten, March 17, 2024. In Norwegian.
Superwahljahr 2024: Wie fünf Wahlen die Klimapolitik der nächsten Jahrzehnte prägen (Super Election Year 2024: Shaping Decades of Climate Policy)
Spektrum der Wissenschaft, March 16, 2024. In German.
What 2024’s crucial elections mean for climate change
Nature, March 5, 2024.
Russlands Klimapolitik wird undurchschaubar (Russia's Climate Policy Becomes Inscrutable)
Table Media, July 13, 2023, In German.
At COP27, Russia acted as though it had not invaded Ukraine
Open Democracy, November 22, 2022.