Regulating the European electricity market
New publications on the evolution and experiences with the current regulatory framework for European electricity markets are now available from an ongoing research project at the Fridtjof Nansen Institute.
New publications on the evolution and experiences with the current regulatory framework for European electricity markets are now available from an ongoing research project at the Fridtjof Nansen Institute.
With this fall’s grants from the Research Council of Norway, we at FNI can celebrate large, new research projects in a number of areas.
Our new research project, Making use of Arctic science – The Case of the Arctic Council (MARCS), has been funded by The Research Council of Norway, with a budget of NOK 7,5 million.
Tor Håkon J. Inderberg leads a new project which has received 12 million NOK to obtain more knowledge on energy poverty in Norway.
Det nye forskningsprosjektet Making use of Arctic science – The Case of the Arctic Council (MARCS), er finansiert av Norges forskningsråd, og har et budsjett på 7,4 millioner kroner.
Med høstens tildelinger fra Norges forskningsråd kan vi på FNI juble over store prosjekter på en rekke områder.
Vi søker personer som jobber heltid som kokk, servitør, bartender, taxisjåfør, frisør, helsefagarbeider eller renholder.
FNI and the Florence School of Regulation to host physical workshop in Florence in October.