Regulating the European electricity market

New publications on the evolution and experiences with the current regulatory framework for European electricity markets are now available from an ongoing research project at the Fridtjof Nansen Institute.
The project ‘Implementing Network Codes’ (INC) examines whether a set of detailed rules entail greater European harmonization or enable diverse regulation across countries and regions. The project is led by Research Fellow Torbjørg Jevnaker.
Terms, conditions and methodologies (TCMs) concern how the existing electricity system should be managed. TCMs are detailed and binding rules that regulate a range of issues concerning electricity trade (e.g., market platforms) and the operation of electricity networks. TCMs are required variously at national, regional or European level under four electricity guidelines.
Four research briefs have been prepared for the workshop ‘Electricity rules: towards unity or diversity?’ in Florence 12–13 October 2022.
Research Brief #1. The evolving role of ACER: emergence, practice, and review of the TCMs
By Torbjørg Jevnaker, Leigh Hancher and Karianne Krohn Taranger
This Research Brief examines the evolving role of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), formally and in practice. It presents ACER’s evolving formal mandate and ACER’s role in TCM adoption processes, and considers the dynamic aspects of the TCM process, in response to internal and external reviews of ACER’s decision-making.
Read it here.
Research Brief #2. Electricity rulemaking in perspective: comparing the TCM procedure with other sectors
By Eva Ruffing, Selma Schwensen Lindgren and Torbjørg Jevnaker
This research brief puts the rule-making process in the EU electricity sector in a comparative perspective and asks whether its peculiarities – decisionmaking by EU agencies, involvement of private actors and rule-making on a regional level – are unique to the electricity sector or part of a broader European trend.
Read it here.
Research Brief #3. Stocktaking of the adopted TCMs – towards harmonization or diversity?
By Torbjørg Jevnaker, Simon Fink, Karianne Krohn Taranger, Hermann Lüken genannt Klaβen and Per Ove Eikeland
At a time when the organization of the electricity market is up for discussion at the highest political level across Europe, it is essential to take stock of recent regulatory developments and the rules currently in place. This Research Brief assesses the impact of Terms, Conditions and Methodologies (TCMs) for the harmonization or diversity of rules for the internal electricity market in Europe.
Read it here.
Research Brief #4. Implementation and adjustment ahead: Enforcing, applying, and revising the TCMs during transition and crisis
By Torbjørg Jevnaker, Marie Byskov Lindberg and Catherine Banet
This Research Brief draws attention to implementation, flexibility and revision of TCMs. It examines the changes and challenges for TCMs in the years to come, in view of the energy transition and the current energy crisis.
Read it here.
About the INC project
The research project ‘Implementing Network Codes’ examines EU electricity market regulation from political, legal and economic perspectives, in collaboration with stakeholders. It is led by the Fridtjof Nansen Institute in Norway.
INC is funded by the Research Council of Norway as a collaborative research project (2020-2024; grant agreement no. 308855), with co-funding from, Energy Norway, Statkraft, Statnett, the Norwegian Ministry for Petroleum and Energy, Elvia, Hafslund E-CO Vannkraft, Skagerak Kraft and Nord Pool.
Participating research institutions are the Florence School of Regulation, the Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law (University of Oslo), Osnabruck University, University of Göttingen, Thema Consulting Group and DNV.