Utenriksminister Espen Barth Eide. Foto: Therese Leine/NUPI.The new Centre for Geopolitics has been launched as a significant collaborative arrangement involving several highly reputed Norwegian institutions.

The centre is a partnership between NUPI, FNI, the Institute for Defence Studies, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, and the University of Oslo. It is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Research Council of Norway and aims to provide the government with up-to-date  insights into global geopolitical issues.

Geopolitics in the Arctic

The Arctic has long been a region characterised by stability and cooperation. However, in recent years, geopolitical tensions among major powers with interests in the region have become sharper.FNI's Andreas Østhagen in Svalbard. Photo: Thomas Nilsen.

With this new centre, the FNI will focus on issues concerning geopolitics in the Arctic and the northern regions.

Senior researcher at FNI, Andreas Østhagen, explains: ‘Work within the framework of this centre will place our research in a broader geopolitical context, showing how the development of the northern regions is linked to global geopolitical trends.’

Particular attention will be paid to China, which has emerged as a significant academic and geographical focal point.Gørild Heggelund. Foto: Therese Leine/NUPI.

‘We will analyse how Norwegian interests and foreign and development policy are influenced by China's relationships with countries such as the USA, Russia, India, and the EU,’ adds FNI senior researcher Gørild Heggelund.

Senteret retter særlig oppmerksomheten mot Kina som et faglig og geografisk tyngdepunkt. – Vi vil analysere hvordan norske interesser og utenriks– og utviklingspolitikk påvirkes av Kinas relasjoner til andre land som USA, Russland, India og EU, sier seniorforsker ved FNI Gørild Heggelund.

Energy Has Become Geopolitics

FNI is already recognized for its expertise in sustainability, energy, and climate. Now it will also conduct research on energy policy as a central geopolitical factor.Launch: Ida Dokk Smith (NUPI) and Iselin Stensdal (FNI) participated in Gørild Heggelund's session on geopolitics, China, and Norway's role in green transition. Photo: FNI.

Heggelund adds, ‘Energy security in countries like China, Russia, the USA, and the EU has global consequences, and it is crucial to understand domestic political forces in these countries in the context of geopolitical rivalry.’

Central research questions for FNI include the connections between a green energy transition and geopolitics, as well as the implications of political rivalry for global energy and sustainability aspects, with specific relevance to Norway.


Read more about FNI's Arctic geopolitics research.