FNI with strong presence in GEP Special Issue on ETS
The most recent issue of the Global Environmental Politics (GEP) journal focuses on the design and diffusion of greenhouse gas emissions trading systems (ETS). Several of the articles are outcomes of FNI's ETS Diffusion project.
The August issue of the journal Global Environmental Politics (GEP) examines an interesting and timely topic in the post-Paris era: A Global Turn to Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading? Experiments, Actors, and Diffusion. One of the guest editors of this special issue is FNI Research Professor Jørgen Wettestad. The guest editors have written an introduction to special issue, discussing the turn to emissions trading and the contributions to the issue.
The special issue features key contributions from several FNI researchers. Steinar Andresen (with Guri Bang and David Victor) has written about California’s cap and trade system. Tor Håkon Jackson Inderberg (with Ian Bailey and Nicola Harmer) has contributed an article about New Zealand’s emissions trading scheme. And Lars H. Gulbrandsen and Jørgen Wettestad (with Francois Sammut) have written about Kazakhstan’s emissions trading system.
Focusing on the design and diffusion of greenhouse gas emissions trading systems, all these articles are outcomes of the FNI project ETS Diffusion. “These articles and this special issue show that the ETS Diffusion project has produced policy relevant knowledge and contributed to important advances in the international research literature on emissions trading and policy diffusion”, says project leader Jørgen Wettestad. “The fact that FNI research features this prominently in a special issue of GEP, a highly-ranked international journal, is testimony of the importance and high quality of our research”, he concludes with a smile.