- Research Professor+47 92696167
The Russian petroleum industry is facing alarming trends. Upstream, decreasing size of discoveries and a falling recovery rate challenges Russia's ability to maintain its petroleum production. For Russia's gas sector, the structure and politics in core export markets represent an additional challenge.
In order to secure vital revenue for the state, Russia faces a triple challenge of replacing current production capacity, making production more cost-efficient, and being more flexible in its gas export strategy. The Russian institutional framework, however, has yet to change in accordance with new realities.
This project focuses on how Russia´s oil and gas sector responds to current upstream and downstream challenges. Will there be institutional adaption or resistance?
This question is addressed through four work packages on institutional change covering unconventional oil, Arctic offshore petroleum, the business climate for IOCs and gas exports.
The project also includes a PhD with the preliminary title: "The Russian Gas Sector in a Changing World: Gazprom´s Response to Export Market and Upstream Challenges". The PHd project is carried out by Doctoral Research Fellow and Senior Policy Analyst Julia S.P. Loe.
Project period: 2014-2019
- Sigra Group (Daniel Fjærtoft)
- Norwegian Institute of International Research (Indra Øverland)
- Research Council of Norway (PETROSAM 2 Programme)
Europe-Asia Studies, published online 02.08.2019, 18 p. DOI: 10.1080/09668136.2019.1635569
Post-Soviet Affairs, Vol 35, No 1, 2019, pp. 63-76
Energy Policy, Vol 119, 2018, pp. 41-50.
Post-Communist Economies, Vol 30, No 6, 2018, pp. 755-774
Eurasian Geography and Economics, Vol 58, No 4, 2017, pp. 442-468
Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, Vol 6, No 2, 2017, pp. 111-134.
Post-Communist Economies, Vol 28, No 3, 2016, pp. 281-299.
Energy Policy, 2015, Vol. 87, p. 553-561
Oil & Gas Journal, Vol 113, No 8, 2015
Samfunnsøkonomen, No 1, 2016, pp. 10-19. (In Norwegian)
Oil, Gas & Energy Law (OGEL), Vol 14, No 2, 2016.
The Energy Journal, Vol 36, SI 1, 2015, pp. 63-97.
FNI Climate Policy Perspectives 10, May 2013
Will Russia ever leave fossil fuels behind?
BBC, 24 November 2021.
Book review: The Globalization of Russian Gas. Political and Commercial Catalysts
Europe-Asia Studies, 1 March 2021. Book review written by Anatole Boute (2021) The Globalization of Russian Gas. Political and Commercial Catalysts by James Henderson & Arild Moe.
Послесловие к отравлению Навального. Добыча газа в Европе сокращается, трубопровод «Северный поток-2» будет достроен ('Afterword to the poisoning of Navalny. Gas production in Europe is falling, the Nord Stream 2 pipeline will be completed')
Rambler.ru, 28.09.2020. In Russian.
Ekspert: Danmark er del af et paradoks i kølvandet på Putins militæroperation ('Expert: Denmark part of a paradox following Putin's military operation')
Berlingske, 22.09.2020. In Danish
Эксперт: Дания — часть парадокса в результате военной операции Путина ('Expert: Denmark part of a paradox following Putin's military operation')
Rambler.ru, 25.09.2020. In Russian.
The Globalization Of Russian Gas: Political And Commercial Catalysts
Readara.com, 14 May 2020.
Russisk gas påvirker økonomi og politikk verden over ('Russian gas affects economy and politics worldwide')
Finansavisen, 13 March 2020. In Norwegian
Klima, storpolitikk, norsk gass og Russlands voksende imperie ('Climate, geopolitics, Norwegian gas and Russia's growing empire')
E24-podden (E24 podcast), 23 January 2020. In Norwegian.
Russisk gass blir stadig viktigere for Europa ('Russian gas increasingly important for Europe')
High North News, 7.1.2020. In Norwegian.
Russia's Rosatom to start Arctic container shipping with US$7 billion
Shippingazette.com, 2.12.2019.
Foreslår at russisk statseid shippingselskap skal subsidiere containertransport i Arktis ('Proposes that Russian state-owned shipping company should subsidize container transport in the Arctic')
High North News, 25.10.2019. In Norwegian.
US blocks climate change declaration at Arctic Council
BBC World Business Report, 8.5.2019.
Rusland ruikt kansen in Arctisch gebied ('Russia smells opportunities in the Arctic')
Nrc.nl, 10.1.2019. In Dutch.
Russian gas giant says West putting pressure on Norway regarding Arctic LNG shipping
Radio Canada International, 17.12.2018.
Russian natural gas company warns about U.S. pressure against operations in Norway
The Barents Observer, 13.12.2018.
OMV set to buy Gazprom's Siberian assets
Upstream, 09.10.2018.
Sesimikk-avtale mellom Norge og Russland i Barentshavet ('Agreement about seismic surveys bteween Norway and Russia in the Barents Sea')
Her og nå - NRK P1 (radio), 13.10.2016. In Norwegian.
Oljefunn i nord kan dempe spenningen mellom øst og vest ('Oil discoveries in the North could dampen east-west tensions')
NRK Finnmark, 12.10.2016. In Norwegian.
23. konsesjonsrunde: Dei nye områda for leiteboring ('The 23rd licensing round: New acreage for exploration drilling')
BarentsWatch, 05.09.2016. In Norwegian.
Бурение вдоль российской границы. Норвегия приглашает ('Drilling along the Russian border. A Norwegian invitation')
The Independent Barents Observer, 24.05.2016. In Russian
Lukoil is Norway’s new Arctic petro partner
The Independent Barents Observer, 24.05.2016.
«Лукойл» - новый партнер Норвегии по добыче нефти в Арктике ('Lukoil is Norway’s new Arctic petro partner')
The Independent Barents Observer, 24.05.2016. In Russian.
Drilling along the Russian border. A Norwegian invitation
The Independent Barents Observer, 19.05.2016