- Institutional economics, political economy, industrial organisation and strategic management, innovation systems, policy analysis in the fields of energy, environment, industry and competition.
- Studies of European Union politics.
- Studies of national energy and climate policies.
- Studies of environmental strategy and innovation in energy industries.
- Studies of market diffusion of renewable energy.
Academic background
- Cand.mag., Political Science, University of Oslo, 1987, with specialisation in International Economic Policy.
- Cand.polit., Economics, University of Oslo, 1991, with specialisation in Environmental Economics and Socio-Economic planning.
- Scholarship, Department of Innovation and Economic Organisation, Norwegian School of Management, 1999-2003.
Professional experience
- Senior Research Fellow, the Fridtjof Nansen Institute (from 2013).
- Research Fellow, the Fridtjof Nansen Institute (1994-2013).
- Scholarship and research associate, Department of Innovation and Economic Organisation, Norwegian School of Management (1999-2003).
- Lecturer in institutional resource economics, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (1994-1995).
- Research Assistant, the Fridtjof Nansen Institute (1991-1994).
In Rainer Quitzow and Yana Zabanova (eds), The Geopolitics of Hydrogen. Springer, 2024, pp. 213-232.
European Journal of Risk Regulation, published online 19.04.2024, 20 p. DOI: 10.1017/err.2024.15
Energy Research & Social Science, Vol 104, No 103231, 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2023.103231
In Tim Rayner, Kacper Szulecki, Jordan Andrew and Sebastian Oberthür (eds), Handbook on European Union Climate Change Policy and Politics. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023, Chapter 18.
International Environmental Agreements, published online 04.10.2022, 18 p. DOI: 10.1007/s10784-022-09587-2
Energi & Klima, October 28, 2024. In Norwegian.
FNI Report 4/2024. Lysaker, FNI, 2024, 21 p.
RIFS Discussion Paper, Potsdam, RIFS, June 2023, 20 p.
Aftenposten, January 25, 2023. In Norwegian.
Include Resultater og Anbefalinger 07/2022, 4 p. In Norwegian.
- Workshop Explores Decentralisation in Low-Carbon Electric Futures
- Call for abstracts on electric futures: Workshop at FNI, Oslo, 4-5 Sept 2024
- FNI Participates in FME SecurEL to Strengthen Norway's Electricity System
- New project to examine Solar Power Expansion
- Regulating the European electricity market
Vind og sol sto for nesten 30 prosent av elektrisiteten i Europa i fjor (Wind and solar power accounted for nearly 30 percent of electricity in Europe last year)
Forskning.no, April 18, 2024. In Norwegian.
Hvordan blir strømprisen til? (How is the Electricity Price Determined?)
Forskning.no, 23 January 2024. In Norwegian.
NVE-sjefen advarer: – Når du prioriterer opp noe, så kommer det til å prioritere ned noe (NVE Warning: Prioritization Trade-offs)
EnergyWatch, August 21, 2023. In Norwegian.
Hvorfor er det dyrere å steke frossenpizza i Norge fordi det er krig i Ukraina? (Electricity has become more expensive, but what does the war in Ukraine have to do with it?)
Ung.forskning.no, January 2, 2023. In Norwegian.
Statkraft frykter styringsmekanisme kan ha motsatt effekt (Statkraft fears control mechanism may have opposite effect)
Montel.no, October 20, 2022. In Norwegian.